Source Code


God. From "A Clockwork Orange"

Good Bog! What have you done?

by Katie Tran May 8, 2003

36๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


Verb: To engage in purposfully melancholy or pathetic behavior in an effort to attract sympathy

Origin: Coined as an analogy to the peat bog or swamp, in which animals or people somtimes find themselves hopelessly mired.

I'm not going to fall for your pathetic bogging any more, either you snap out of it and cheer up or I'm gone!

by Brad Hoehne January 29, 2004

27๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


when one in is a state of internal depression, often induced by provocative banter from mates.

Bill: Jim mate, you have a tiny penis.
Jim: ...
Bill: Don't get bogged mate

by ticklemapickle March 8, 2019

20๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Bog

When your girl has a ton of discharge after sex so it soaks her panties. Like Swamp Ass but for your cooch.

Why are you waddling like that Cassandra?

Oh, I just have a bad case of the bog.

by Derplordsnuffy September 24, 2019

Bog on

Opposite of bog off. Used when reacting positively to something.

When bae takes u to maccies drive thru *bog on!*

Bae: I just got us tickets to see bladee
Me: Bog on๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿป

by toi1etpaper December 12, 2021


Definition- Bogus, BS, not genuine, total lie

Person 1: Hey, did you know Kevin Hart is 6 feet tall

Person 2: thats straight bog bruh

Person 1: idk girl he keeps making excuses everytime I i tell him why he's taking so long


Person 1: I heard you did a great job on your test. How did you do it?

Person 2: ehe about that i just bogged my way through the whole test

by Kezada December 11, 2021


Sexiest gal on the planet

"Fuck me it's Bog"

by Dirty Dog Dan May 2, 2020