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n. The act of boasting about something under the guise of complaining.
v. To boast under the guise of complaining.

The one the started it all, "It's so hard to find good help these days."

In a shameless bitch-to-brag, my tool of a boss told the whole break-room he got hit with the Alternative Minimum Tax this year because of his year-end bonus.

by CLL May 20, 2008

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Weird Brag

A term used to describe the occasion when someone says something casually in conversation that seemed a very arrogant thing to say, intentional or not.

Did you hear Jill talking the other night about how hard her life is because she can't even choose between the numerous gorgeous guys that are into her?
I know.. such a weird brag, dude.

by asdsakdlsadsad; June 16, 2010

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brag doll

Usually the center of all grandparents' conversation, the grandchild that is boasted about, with grades, goals or appearence.

alice- Christmas was horrible, grandma kept telling her friends how beautiful i am and how i get straight A's!

joan-Awwww, she turned you into a brag doll!

by lookitsme December 29, 2010

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Sweet Brag

A term accompanied by a hand gesture used to point out a persons self-pride. Even the most obnoxious braggarts can be stifled with a well placed "Sweet Brag" The hand gesture looks like a rock and roll sign with the pinky and pointer fingers lowered significantly until they are pointing more forwards than upwards.

Braggart: Dude, I have like 20,000 friends on myspace which makes me way more popular than you

You: (Hand Gesture) "Sweet Brag"

by JordanBaker February 9, 2009

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Stealth brag

To brag about something without putting the emphasis on the brag itself, often in the context of a bigger story.

Joe: So last night after fucking 2 girls I made a cheese sandwich. Do you like sandwiches too? Man I love cheese sandwiches.

Mark: Dude, that's such a stealth brag.

by PJNL March 23, 2010

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Pretending to complain about something to disguise the fact that you are actually bragging about something else.

Travis was complaining yesterday that his wife recently ran up a $4,000 bill at Target. When he asked her what she bought, she told him they needed new clothes for their trip to Tahiti next month. He was totally bitch-bragging about how rich they are.

by neilldoe April 9, 2015

backwards bragging

Complaining about yourself/your life or a complimenting someone else/theirs, as a thin veil for bragging.

X: I am totally jealous of ugly girls, it is really annoying having to decide which guy to let buy you a drink at the bar.

X: Your staycation must have been awesome! Going straight from the beach in south of France to skiing in the Swiss Alps took so much out of me.

You: X, stop backwards bragging!!!

by beepboopbeepbee August 12, 2011