Bravery is too bestest friends in the whole universe. They do everything together like trips, sleepovers, and even fun trends! Bravery is a very strong relationship with a friend and somthing that everyone wants to be.
Bravery are best friends that I would like to be.
Iranian women.
The girls and women of Iran are just bitchin’ brave, flipping the bird at its Supreme Leader in a challenge to one of the most significant revolutions in modern history.
US President Joe Biden says the United States stands with Iranian women and Iranian citizens who are inspiring the world with their bravery.
Having the guts to do something. Not being afraid and becoming a hero.
Mulan’s strength and bravery within her is what saved all of China.
to step up and have the courage to do something even if you are scared of it (whatever IT may be)
verbal bully: heh heh do you know how much of a coward that new(-ish) kid is >:-)
bullied friend of new(-ish) kid: well he always has much bravery in defending me /:'-)