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Samet The Bulletproof

The name implies an active involvement to cringe shits.

Samet The Bulletproof’luk yapma aq.

by TheUrbanUrbaniser November 22, 2021

six foot tall and bulletproof

meaning thinking you're super strong and nothing can hurt you

"Yepp I walked up to the fight all by myself, no weapon or none. You know I think I'm six foot tall and bulletproof."

by kashmunnii November 14, 2021

bulletproof snowflake

A person that pretends to care deeply about a progressive movements and beliefs, but is really using a faux concern to stop the opposition.

The chief whip of the conservative party is a bulletproof snowflake for complaining about bullying, when it is literally the job of the whips to bully other members of parliament to vote with the government.

by alexp700 November 9, 2022