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The disease caused by the virus called SARS-CoV-2. It has infected and killed so many people the population dropped down. This is why we have to try our best to wear mask, physical distance, sneeze or cough in to your elbow or tissue, and wash your hands frequently. It is certainly a test which we have to pass.

Claire: My brother died from COVID-19.
Doctor Jake: Daniel is dying too from the disease.
Daniel: Goodbye, cruel world!

by URB4N D1C710N4RY March 26, 2021

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A virus primarily tasked with giving the Earth a breath of clean air for a couple of months.

News Reporter : For the first time since centuries ago, the skies of Earth are clean all thanks to COVID-19.

by SecretIdentity_ April 12, 2020

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The word to use when you are tired of saying β€œcoronavirus”.

Please stay in your house cuz you don’t want COVID-19.

by Dray’s Dictionary March 31, 2020

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A virus that hippies abbreviated from coronavirus just because they wanted to

Guy 1: β€œisn’t COVID-19 just the coronavirus?”
Guy 2: β€œshut up”

by The Gaming Canadian July 3, 2020

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A disease that is everywhere and when it's in something, Don't touch it or else you'll be infected. The best way to kill COVID is to get some hand sanitizer or Wash your hands, Wear a mask, And stay 6 feet apart, and Stay Home.

Jerry: Gerald, Did you just touch a chair that has COVID-19?

Gerald: Um..... Yes?


by JerryandGerald October 16, 2021

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Black Hole Sun has finally come.

COVID-19 is washing away the rain. πŸ‘

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker February 11, 2021

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COVID-19 was a disease in early 2019 and throughout 2020 that killed hundreds of thousands of people. The CO stands for Corona, the VI stands for virus, the D stands for disease, and the 19 stands for 2019. The virus was released by China as a bio weapon to weaken the world economies. The virus was also used by the Democratic Party as a political weapon.

Back in β€˜20, we were in quarantine because of Corona virus, also known as COVID-19.

by SpartanofSparta84 December 8, 2020

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