Source Code


Counter strike source a first person tactical shooting game made by valve

Guy 1: you down to play css tonight?

Guy 2: Yo broke ass still playin that old ass game ?

by Nambruh February 4, 2023


Continous Shit Show

This situation is a CSS !

by crash_86 December 4, 2019


When someone sends you an imagine and you can’t see anything “can’t see shit”

Friend sends pic to rate*
You: ccs🤦🏽 ♀️
CSS- can’t see shit

by unknownnn_shh May 31, 2020


cisa stop struggling

have you seen twt user @chuucisa's tweets?? CSS

by gogolonthesenuts September 13, 2021


Common sense stupid.

Bro where is your mask? I don't wear a mask I suffer from CSS.

by JoeCommonSense February 9, 2021


Cayuga Secondary School. Arguably the best school in all of southern Ontario. They always win their local fair, their school spirit is off the chats, and they are just overall amazing. They are also a hick school. They like to bring their tractors to school and just park them in the parking lot

CSS is so amazing. I bet you McKinnon Park kids wish you could be as amazing as us

by Theemptyheadedhighschooler October 30, 2018