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to insult the reputation or quality of something or someone.

Often used in the rhetorical formulation, "How you wanna carry?" which expresses confidence that the thing/person can't be insulted.

Probably originated in Southeast D.C.

She called you stupid? Man, you got carried.

WD Crew say How You Wanna Carry?

by Yellowcandy November 3, 2005

150πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž


to insult, begin to insult

nigga the fuckin teacher carried yo ass today!

by Moe March 6, 2004

258πŸ‘ 159πŸ‘Ž


when someone disses you!

ashley straight carried me.

by Cee Cee July 31, 2005

192πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž


To be made fun of or to insult

I asked him if my outfit was cute and he carried me by asking me if I had gotten my outfit at the sawp meat

by Riese October 27, 2003

82πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


So sexy and smart
The most thoughtful in the room.

Every man’s hope is to be her groom.

With eyes that glow and a smile that wins to be her lover most men would sin.
Nourisher of the panty pyre,
what all women should aspire
She is the definition of love
and everything thing I desire.

It is so Carrie outside

by __db__ April 15, 2019

73πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


The perfect girl, she is hot/beautiful, wants a good relationship, not prude, nice, kind, sweet, loving, caring, funny. She is not afraid to do sexual stuff, and wont just dump you the morning after. In short: every guy's fantasy

"Dude, i think i found my Carrie," Ryan said
"LUCKY, she must be perfect!" Russel replied

by Wizemark September 28, 2010

373πŸ‘ 260πŸ‘Ž


a stephen king book about a girl with telekenetic powers written in the seventies and made into a movie shortly thereafter. another movie version was also remade in the 90's

In the movie Carrie the school gets burned down along with the entire town and it's residents.

by blibburb September 17, 2006

794πŸ‘ 602πŸ‘Ž