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Ceebs Machine

A group of absolute dogs

That dodgeball team is so ceebs machine

by Dawg122345 February 20, 2025


Being a fat alcoholic with no drive or motivation.

‘Not going to the gym, I’m ceebing

by Bdbekwoq October 8, 2023


An expressed lack of desire, motivation or effort to perform an action which requires the consumption of energy; either mental, physical or spiritual energy.

I ceeb walking up Haydock Lane

by TomTitIsAShit November 30, 2022


When you just "Can't be arsed" to say "CBA", you use the shortened version, "ceebs"

-Do you wanna go to the park today Jeff?

by Roborohan May 30, 2016


Ceeb basically means ‘cba’ but shortened down to ‘ceeb

pronounced as: s-ee-b

ceeb going to college tomorrow

by chlozza wilson September 1, 2020


The term idiots use to show they 'Cant Be Bothered' instead of using the proper abbreviation "Cbb".

"Gaston can you take that stick out of your ass?"
"Ceebs, bro"

by Smileygoat November 28, 2021


CEEB is a slang term that means "can't be bothered." It is used to indicate that someone is not motivated or lacks the interest or energy to do something. For example, if someone says "I CEEB to go to the party tonight," it means that they are not interested in going to the party and do not feel like making the effort to attend. The term is often used in casual conversation, especially among young people.

"Ceebs going out tomorrow"

by christianwithgun February 10, 2023