when "laughing out loud" (lol) just doesn't cut it now you can be "crying from laughter" (cfl)
just use cfl instead of lol or HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH or any ridiculously out of control hysteria!
This is also known as Communist Feminist Liberal. Most female English teachers are CFL and probably went to the women's march and still believe in Hillary
Mrs.D our English teacher denied the Bengahazi reports and that Hillary never killed anyone, she a CFL a communist feminist liberal .
Clueless, Friendly, and Lagging. A friend whose heart is in the right place, but can be brainless and does not know half of what is going on, oftentimes dimwitted and mentally slow in social situations. They are slow to pick up social cues, but are still a true friend in the end and just sometimes needing help finding their way.
" My old friend, Johnny, is such a CFL at the party yesterday, I had to constantly repeat myself on where we are going! "
CFL stands for Cutter For Life.
Self harm or "cutters" who feel like they can never stop will use this abbreviation for some sort of discretion.
I am a CFL.