Usually used in office settings by someone who is in the midst of performing monotonous tasks for several hours at a time.
A way to reference your current situation at work when you're bored out of your mind.
Please keep me occupied. I'm the chairman of the bored today at work.
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An emphatic conjugation of the word Lmao, trumping Lmayonnaise
Person 1: lol
Person 2: lmao
Person 1: lmayonnaise
Person 2: Chairman Lmao
Observer: damn those two must have seen something really loltastic
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Similar to a cock block, a rocking chairman is a friend who rocks, but lowers your chances with a potential fling because their being subconsciously obnoxious(or rocking too hard out loud).
Person 1- Yeah dude, so I was with John and Jack last night, and I ran into this group of super cute girls.
Person 2- Really dude? So did anything happen with you guys?
Person 1- Nothing bro, John was being such a Rocking Chairman.
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Where you post on social media to make out that your life is really amazing just to make other people jealous and gain followers, when actually it's pretty shit and boring and all of it's just a front
"Becky totally has chairman mao syndrome she makes out she travels around the world and an instagram model when she actually works in Lidl"
Similar to Montezuma's Revenge, except with Chinese Food.
I went to Asia Cafe and got lots of cheap Teriyaki Chicken and egg rolls, but I got Chairman Mao's Revenge and I've been on the can since I wrote this definition.
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Joe Biden, the supreme leader of Chimerica
America is dead. The CCP is in charge now. Hail Chairman Jao Bai Den.
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