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female, has a reputation of an easy slut; usually latin; hoe.

After Ricky was dumped he couldn't get any play, so he went for that chonga, Amanda.

by haha! i tld you so! July 6, 2004

59๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


A female who has bleeched blond hair with dark roots and darks eyebrows. Chongas usu. wear their hair pulled back in a tight ponytail using lots of gel. They wear large hoop earing and fake nails. they can be found in south florida (hialeah, miami). they wear tight clothing to attract people's attention. men usu. find them attractive while females think they look cheap and tacky.

fernando: that girl is hot.
talia: she's a total chonga.
fernando: i think she's fine.
talia: she looks like a cheap prostitute!

by Cami!!! September 16, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


Spanish Chickas that generally have exccesive gel in the hair.

I bagged this chonga from da club last nite

by GKamau April 14, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


live mostly in miami
they talk weird..
ghetto D:
wear so much gel on their hair that theyre hair is shiny
super light blue brazilian jeans
show their breasts
have big boobs, if a chonga is 15 years old, she looks like shes 25, because they like to eat alot with gets the hormones from the chickens, cows, and stuff.
most are from puerto rico, cuba, and more latin countries
sleep with their boyfriends alot.
decorate their myspace with glittery words such as : BABY, PRINCESS, CUBANITA, BABE I LOVE YOU, or their "name"
if you want to see a museum of chongas, come to miami (dolphin mall) or at the dollar stores, they think theyre rich but theyre not close to it. shirts only cost like $9 cause of so little fabric it has. >_______________<
the wax most of their eyebrows, or all of it, and sharpies their eyebrown. .... isnt that gross??
also.. they hav the biggest hoop earings with theyre name impinted inside the hoops

-hEiiii $uSie w@ts uPpP ??
-ohHh hei m@mmiie
-i tHink i'm pr3gnAnt ~****
-O: thIs is yo 7th time gIrrll
-heh we're sucH ChonGas

by alexxxxxxxxxxxxxx October 28, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


A female lacking sense in fashion, urban culture, and social skills. Can be of any ethnicity. Mostly found around southern California. Usually found near beach areas and valleys but are known to migrate to the city. Known for being very materialistic, slutty, and clueless. Are into mainstream bars like Fridays, Yardhouse, BJ's, etc. Also enjoy going to clubs in Hollywood and The O.C. They usually run in packs but can occasionally be seen alone going to the tanning salon with their big round sunglasses, an US weekly magazine, a hot pink or sky blue ruffled skirt, and thick spongie sandals.Used from the spanish word chongo (ponytail). Chongos pulled back to tight or chongo abuse usually lead to brain damage and to females becoming chongas.

I went out with this girl the other night but she was a total dissapointment. She would not stop talking about the hollywood scene, her coach bag, and her little fuckin dog. I had to leave her at the bar. She was such a chonga.
Examples of chongas: Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson

by JoseJCisneros November 12, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


the female version of the mexican "cholo". Mexican girl who would wear tight tight jeans that squeeze her very prominent love handles, short and tight shirts revealing their stomaches, wear obscene amounts of lip liner (or sharpie drawn around the lips), extreme amounts of hair gel (or glue) flattening their hair down and making it shiny.

"That chonga's hair was so wet with glue it looked like she had been out in the rain and her lip liner definitely was drawn with sharpie marker," commented Sarah.

by Cassandrandrodo December 26, 2009

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


a female monkey, common named 'mary' the one who does, staking, touching people, chasing people, and more things that monkeys do, basically

Did you see that chonga, 'i beat it like a chonga' ;

by SomeoneNamedSomeone May 2, 2009

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž