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Horndog. He loves to jack off in class and needs help.

Clayton is so preverted.

by Fakegreyson May 28, 2015

18👍 16👎


A slang term for marijuana used in south denver (highlands Ranch/littleton). The term is used in a number of ways, when one says that they were 'chilling with clayton' or 'playing claytons video games' that means that they were smoking pot. The actual weed itself is refered to as claytons video games. Claytons birthday is april 20th.

stoner 1, "dude i just saw clayton"
Stoner 2, " oh really? i was just playing his video games."
Stoner 1, "omg i fucking love clayton! He makes me feel so good."
Stoner 2, "I would def go gay for clayton."

by vchs blows April 20, 2011

139👍 197👎


Another word for a female turkey.

Look at the stupid Clayton!

by P3anut G4llery May 4, 2006

365👍 616👎


Your friend who really like while simultaneously being a dick that you wanna kill because he keeps turning of your fucking chromebook in the middle of class.

Dammit Clayton stop Turing of my computer I just got it on.

by The Homophobic Homosexual August 18, 2022


A quite, gentle, down to earth bloke. Clayton’s often come across as big hard arse’s but when you get to know them they are the sweetest, softest thing you’ll ever know. Clayton’s are great lovers, and once he’s fixed on you he’ll hang on to you forever, and he won’t be afraid to tell you he loves you. He’s great to have a beer with and his eyes light up when he’s around people he loves. His a lover, not a fighter but won’t be afraid to fight for his mates and what’s right. Clayton’s are often tall with browns eyes and long brown hair, and a beautiful teethy smile. Never let a Clayton down, because he won’t say anything about it to you but it will slowly kill him eventually.

Person 1: isn’t Clayton such a tough bloke!
Person 2; Nah he’s my best mate and he’s a big softy!

by The Purple Orange August 19, 2018

4👍 3👎


Clayton fucking sucks. No one likes him and he always smells like old feet.

"Yesterday I was happy but then CLAYTON walked in"

by BitchyButterfly May 8, 2019

8👍 9👎


Clayton. Recently cut his hair, and has girl friend but is in love with someone from his past. He is everyone's crush but there is one girl that sticks out to him. He is romantic and sweet, and loves music. He also plays the drums.

Girl 1- he is so dreamy
Girl 2- I know but he has a girl friend
Girl 1- yea, but he is in love with laura
Clayton- a hot dreamy guy

by ThatOneDictonary April 8, 2018

3👍 2👎