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To go crazy and shoot people.

Markus totally COLUMBINED when he shot his parents.

by Anonymous September 2, 2003

39๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


To attempt to waste many people in your school.

On April 20, 1999, in the suburban town of Littleton, Colorado, two high-school seniors, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, enacted an all-out assault on Columbine High School during the middle of the school day. Shooting guns and throwing bombs, the two boys killed twelve students and one teacher and injured many more. That is columbining.

by Cyniper July 26, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


An event in which to genius boys who had the knowledge to to change the world were driven to shoot up an entire school. No one would just shut the fuck up with there close minded boundries of "normal" and "decent". Columbine was a scary and i will admit, horifyling event. But i still think that the ones who say "i just dont know why they did this" are the ones who caused it. The only way that you can help to prevent this from happening again is if you "liberate your mind."-Disturbed
Think of it this way. Who were the ones who were made fun of in our parents time? The Nerds or Geeks or what ever. Now look at em! look at fuckin google!! The Nerds are now ruling the fucking world!!! why cant society see that were the new nerds! we may be getting kicked out of school but we are geniuses and Clumbine should has proved that!!! I say "we" because i understand the two kids!! I feel for them and i hope that one day you will all wish you had listend to them !!!!!!!!!

Columbine is the prof that America will always be a lie...

by Ąร‘┼ร Ŋƍʁɱ March 9, 2008

89๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


Silly ass school girls obsessed with Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold not understanding how traumatizing the Columbine massacre actually was.Im sure that if they were in the school at the time/if a loved one was killed by a school shooter they would think alot differently and would not be infatuated by them at all.

Gigi -'I think Eric is hottt'
Scarlett -'I guess my sister is a Columbiner...How sad...'

by G10VANNA July 31, 2017

101๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


A kid in school that seems like any moment could break the camels back and he's gonna go postal

Chris: Yo Tom, why'd you let that kid cut you in line?
Tom: Don't you know? That's Columbine. When shit hits the fan I wanna be in the clear

by laz Dario May 20, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who sees Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris as human beings, not caricatures, and in some way empathises with the two boys. Despite the horrible acts they committed, a truly intelligent person is always going to be rational enough to be able to look at a situation from different view-points.

Still, Columbiners do not condone their actions, which should be obvious enough, but, unfortunately, doesn't seem to be, judging by the plethora of stupid comments they continue to receive.

A: You know, I think we've become very good friends lately, and I trust you enough to reveal to you something that I don't really advertise, because I know that many people will view it negatively.

I consider myself to be a Columbiner, which means that I myself am or have been depressed, suicidal, am or have been severely bullied, struggle or have struggled with anxiety, am or have been emotionally neglected or otherwise abused by my parents, et cetera, or, at least possess enough perception to understand how someone in those kinds of positions might feel, and understand the horrid mistakes people with untreated trauma and/or mental illness might commit and have unfortunately commited in the case of the Columbine Highschool Massacre. Though, obviously, I do not condone-
B: A Columbiner? Wow, so, you're one of those weird horny edgy goth emo punk emo Highschool girls who wants to fuck those two dudes. They commited murder, you know??!! And, they're obviously both Psychos, because that's what I heard on TV, and, I also definitely know the correct definition of the term "Psychopath"!!
A: ... I'm a straight 28-year-old dude, if still you haven't noticed???

by RebelliousEthANol March 8, 2021

73๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ex 1- A tragic incident at Columbine High School in 1999 where two assholes shot innocent students.

Ex 2- Adj or Noun. Describes a pyscho with intent to kill and/or a person with an obsession with violent video games, crushed dreams, loserdom, and weapons.

Ex 1.- Oh my god, its been 10 years since Columbine? What an awful moment in history, God bless the victims and their families.

Ex 2.- Holy shit check out that acne faced virgin trying to become a level 12 paladin on World of Warcraft! He's so columbine. Dude's got massive issues. Is he wearing Birkenstock?!

by el hombre 123 June 27, 2009

45๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž