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cross country

A difficult sport that involves lots of long distance running. Cross country involves running about 5-12 miles a day for practice, and 5 kilometers for every race at the high school level. Cross country is somewhat related to track. However, track is shorter distances over a rubber surface while cross country is a long distance race over grass and/or trails.

see: xc, cross country geek, distance running

Our cross country team kicks ass.

by *The Boss* June 23, 2006

260๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cross Country

A true sport that requires more ability than any non-runner will ever know. It takes hard work and time. Typically you run a 5k or 3.1 miles. Not to be confused with track where there are many different races. Cross Country is definitely a real sport, I don't see anyone else work as hard as runners do. The feeling one gets from finishing a race is impossible to describe, but its the best feeling in the world. Cross country is something that only true runners understand, it takes more than just running, you have to be fit and toned everywhere in your body, you have to have the ability to push through the pain, it takes endurance and stamina, but most of all it takes will power. You have to be willing to try.

Cross Country - my sport is you're sports punishment.

The will to achieve means nothing without the will to believe.

Our shoes have more miles than your car.

by a true athlete xc October 23, 2011

35๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

cross country

the sport no one understands because they are all to scared to try it.
the sport for the hardcore.
a super intense sport that requires running a lot.

person 1: "You do cross country?"
person 2: "Yeah"
person 1: "I could never do that"
person 2: "I know"

person 1: "you do cross country? I would I die if i ran that much!"
person 2: "Don't worry, you will faint before you die."

by person4321 March 30, 2011

58๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

cross country

See: Steve Prefontaine god of all things Running. Sport Idolized by one Coach, Roth of Jesuit high school.

Yeah, Lets go run a 5k everyday because we love cross country.

by Nas Choka August 29, 2004

330๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cross Country

A sport where it's athlete doesn't have to try to degrade other sports so that they can feel good about the miniscule and mediocre work they do and call it a sport.

Quite frankly the ultimate sport.

Soccer Player: You don't do anything in cross country it requires no skill
Runner: Sure *goes and sprints mile intervals for 2 hours*
Soccer Player: I try to degrade other sports because I know soccer isn't a sport
Soccer Player 2: Dude your dick is tiny
Soccer Player: That's because I don't do a real sport

by ARealAthlete October 18, 2010

81๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cross Country

Cross Country is, in my opinion, the BEST sport in the whole world! I'm not gonna be some arogant fool going around making fun of other sports cause I know how it feels. I know football takes a lot of hard work and practice. Wrestling, Soccer, Swimming, Baseball, Basketball. Most sports do. I'm not here to make fun of them because thats not how i roll. But seriously, To all those ignorant fools out there, Cross Country is in fact a SPORT. So all we do is run... so what! we don't need to have a ball or plays or anything else. Cross country is extremely physical, and mental as well. We train for miles and hours. The races aren't just a bunch of crazy kids running, it's all about planning ahead, pacing, and mentally defeating the other runners. It takes so much hard work. And track as well.. It's not the same at all, but it's still hard. I'm not gonna make fun of the sprinters cause they do like 1/50th of the distance we run. Thats okay, it's hard work. We do it, not for fame (cause its not all that popular)but to see how much we can push ourselves. To the limit.

But seriously, everyone out there who's hating on xc, you need to get over yourself. and btw, Cross country runners are not gay because they wear short shorts. What does that have to do with it. If xc runners are gay, then i guess wrestlers are too cause they wear those tight uniforms. Whatever, I'm just here to say that xc is tight and thats that.

Cross Country practice today killed me, but I felt so happy the other day when i hecka pr'd!

by xc_runner August 8, 2007

289๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž

cross country

The toughest and best sport of all. Takes extreme amounts of dedication and skill to be good at. Besides being a physical sport, cross country is also mental and the top runners must be able to push even when they are tired. People on the team run no matter what, even if there is rain, sleet, snow, ect. Some people make fun of cross country runners and claim it isn't a sport, but they are just jealous that they are out of shape and can't run more than 1/4th of a mile. And no, we are not gay just because we wear short shorts.

No halftimes
No timeouts
No substitutions
Cross country isn't a game...
It's a sport!

by xcrunner13 November 9, 2009

99๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž