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Fetid Russian Cum Sock

Also known as the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump.

Can you believe that Fetid Russian Cum Sock said he would commit felonies again to win the presidency?

by Trumpo the Clown June 21, 2019

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National Cum Sock Day

On April 13, all cum socks that have been used are to be disposed of in either an ocean, a lake, or a fire.

Doing this task will grant you the lucky nut for the rest of the year

Happy National Cum Sock Day.

by CumSocks69 April 11, 2019

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Snot Rocket Cum Sock

where you make an artificial pussy out of a sock and then proceed to shoot a snot rocket into it as a lubricant and then proceed to ejaculate into it.

hey have you tried the snot rocket cum sock it feels so good?

by allahs persnal fiddler May 27, 2020

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Poop Cock Cum Sock

Something that daddy sticks up my ass.

Poop cock cum sock hearts my anus so bad.

by Loadonmychode October 29, 2020

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sock cum

That stuff in between your toes when you take off your socks after a long day. May be all over your feet if wearing black socks.

Ben: "My feet are covered in sock cum!"
Cam: "That's what you get for wearing black socks all day."

by Poe-Tay-Toe October 8, 2012

Cum sock

Depending on how recent it is it could be a Dry but flexible sock or a damp sock in your laundry basket often fapped into cause he saw his sister's titties.

Found by brothers cum sock

by Shigarakiscumsock December 3, 2020

Cum sock

When your homie shows you his cum sock under his bed he has been hiding

John:Bro look at my cum sock under my bed.
Mike: Ew WTF Bro that sock is harder then a rock.

by Orly$anchez4lifebitch February 3, 2024