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Stinky Cut Up

The act of fornacation with someone male or female who is unclean. Therefore producing a rank and unpleasant odor.

Dave - "Hey man I got some booty from that crack hoe last night."

Marcus - "You mean you got some Stinky Cut Up? Damn bro thats nasty!!"

by OT Express February 4, 2010

Cutting up a peach

When a girl passes gas and it goes up the front.

Cutting up a peach -

You know...sometimes when you pass gas and it goes up the front instead up the back? When a girl does it, that's called putting up a peach.

by Imjustbek June 1, 2015

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cut up smiley

A method of mutilation used by gangsters in the UK in the 1940's.
A knife was inserted into the victim's mouth then pushed to either side, this giving the victim the appearance of an ear to ear grin.

We found out he was grass so we cut him up smiley.

Jim was cut up smiley.

I'll cut you up smiley fo sho punk.

by Joodas August 10, 2004

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cut the fuck up

Strong or muscular

Danny stole your girl because he was cut the fuck up.

by Humpty72 February 19, 2018

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I'll cut you up, shove you in a blender and throw you in the ocean

a sex position where the woman takes charge and scissors the guy in a way where penetration is still happening, and squirt ontop of him

"yesterday i told my boyfriendI'll cut you up, shove you in a blender and throw you in the ocean. he's still recovering hehe"

by someonewhoshallremainnameless November 20, 2022

Cutting up a Snickers bar

To perform any sexual act on a desk, involving actual nuts, or with specific attention paid to the testicles.

If the act is oral, also known as a Snickersjob.

As there was little to do that day, and not many people were around, Dwayne and Jason decided to ask Johanna if she felt like cutting up a Snickers bar

by JCN-connection July 20, 2009

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Cut up list

When prisoners have their food cut up in smaller portions so they cannot use the certain food object af a weapon or sexual object

Cut up list...Hot dog, banana, apple,....

by Retnicz May 6, 2022