Arof mean arrogant fob which is a name given to nick hern because he is the king arof decider for the nexr 100 years then it will change to someone else
Nick is arof decider
who decides to live their lives on the road
who decides to live their lives on the road
I a made up this word and had to prove it existed 5 bucks
Hey, I told you decided was a real word
Anything that is decided without meeting or discussion isn't democratic by nature, no matter what it is made to look like.
The new president was selected without meetings or discussion, it had already been decided.
Anything that is decided without meeting or discussion isn't democratic (and isn't symbolic of the will of any group of people) by nature, no matter what it is made to look like.
The new president was selected without meetings or discussion, it had already been decided.
The button u might press when u vote for:
flavor of donuts
if this should be a definition
I can't decide if i want chocholate-covered pickles or marshmallow pizza
Sporkle Seriously... Nobody cares. your not the decider...
Sporkle The Non Decider: Sporkle doesnt decide anything this is a free economy