the homeland of seanyo san similar to the shire for hobbits, seanyo consumes six meals a day there and watches gandolf's fireworks (potato guns) that take the shape of a dragon. also it's really cool, a lot cooler than crapaska!
I'm comin' straigt outta Darby, crazy stupid sucka named seanyo, when I speak I make the knowledge grow...
12๐ 55๐
In the midlle of nowhere, the place where Sean Peterson lives. Nobody quite knows what it is exactly: it's too big to be a neighborhood, and it can't be classified as a town because it has no post office. It's just a simple community, located, in the Twilight Zone (dodododododododo).
I know, let's have a DARBY-que.
11๐ 60๐
A glarby babe who needs to cut down on the junkfood.
"If I don't go on a diet, I'll become a darby!"
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An ugly girl who is mean and fat. Brown hair usually piled on her head in a rats nest. She's a wanna be popular.
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Psycho, crazy train, cunt ass bitch, mofo, high on drugs, puppy hating, disillusioned, intense in a bad way, frightening. Usually used to describe a female. Can be used with men, funnier too that way. and used to describe gay men too.
As a verb: to be "darbyed" is to be detained by a person of questionable sanity.
"She's fucking darby man. I kid you not."
"watch for the Darby checking you out.."
"This Darby does not play. Stay the hell away from her."
"sorry i was late last night. i got darbyed by some hobo."
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A girl who has the weasels, naked little boy syndrome, and has a ferret fettish.
"Look at that darby..."
"Which one is she?"
"Weasel girl."
"I hear shes also got nlbs..."
"thats no bs.".
4๐ 39๐
An extremely talented, sweet girl with an awesomely sarcastic sense of humor; one of the best friends a person could ever ask for. She may or may not have fat cheeks.
Man, I'm so lucky to have a Darbi in my life!
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