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Death Metal

A type of metal that for some reason is actually moderately popular among imbecilic teenagers. It is in fact the shitstain of music.

I have no friends because I only listen to death metal.

by DeanStone February 13, 2011

23๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Metal

Scream that above line 85 times in a gruntish voice while smacking your fists randomly against the desk. Congratulations. You have now heard every Death Metal song in existence. If you are a filthy, self loathing goths who doesn't wear sports gear, only then will you 'pretend' to like this attempt at poetry. Even the so called 'fans' don't like this. They only pretend they do so they can be different but all goths are the same, they all wear makeup (Even the men which means they must be beaten up for not being heterosexual like god intended!)

Slipknot, Korn and Marilyn Manson are three of the heaviest Death Metal bands. I heard them once and my ears nearly exploded. The noise in the background are created by 'guitars' and 'drums'. There isn't a single DJ mixing a beat or any lyrics about banging ya ho. It's all "DIE, DIE DIE, I HATE MYSELF! I am goth, grrr, I worship Satan and hate God even though he created me just like my parents who I also hate." You don't hear Eminem whining like that do you?

Rock and Metal are a wasteland of yobs pulling strings on wooden blocks and bashing trashcans in a vain attempt to create art. Anyone can become a vulgar rockstar. Chingy is too good for instruments and instead used his beautiful flow to tell a story from the streets. Chingy doesn't scream because he isn't angry even though he lived on the streets and those rich, white lads just didn't get their $500 allowance one week because they crashed their dad's BMW.

My friend is an idiot, he thinks bands exist outside of MTV yet MTV plays all the music variety in the world so I know he is a liar and I hit him for being a goth. I hate goths. All goth music sucks and anyone that listens to it must die! I'll stick with Nelly, 50 cent and Bauhaus instead of your screaming, self loathing, hatefilled, racist, homophobic, faggot, goth crap.

The only good heavy metal band is Limp Bizkit. Death Metal like Slipknot sucks because it isn't rap. I bet you idiots like classical too like all the other goth idiots at my school. I bet you're going to go to...ha ha...college *smirk* for even more education. I'm nearly out of school! I don't want more education! I'm getting a job at McDonalds. I know that has nothing to do with defining Death Metal but most people here don't define the term and just argue and being a rap fan I do what is cool because I know what is 'in' and goth music is so 'out'.

by Real Gangsta in da House July 12, 2005

135๐Ÿ‘ 557๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Metal

Metal for virgin nerds who typically spend their entire adolescent/teenage life on the computer

"omg Erkel did u download teh new devourment album@?@?@!111 BEST DEATH METAL ALBUM EVARR! it leeked yesterday!"

"yeah its good but the new disgorge with the piggy vocals are t3H BROOTTT4L OMFGLLOZ@@!!11@!!"

by trasher July 14, 2008

26๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Metal

A type of heavy metal. Death metal bands do not have lead singers, instead they use edited recordings of Helen Keller trying to speak. Then they have an actor mouth the sounds for concerts or music videos. When they run out of Helen Keller recordings, they simply lock babies in dungeons and deprive them of any kind of interaction. The result being that when they grow up they will not be able to speak, only make guttural retard sounds. Put that person in front of a mic, and boom you have a death metal band.

Death metal is the worst type of metal, sorry.

by Per sonny 12333342 August 4, 2015

3๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Metal

a sad excuse for metal music makes people believe that all metal is screaming and people who wear too much black and want to cut your head off. Take the devil sign to extreme and actually worship the devil will usually have odd hair and odd faces

anything that sucks and screams alot like deatttttttttttthhhhhh is on the way YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Dusty Cherr December 13, 2004

49๐Ÿ‘ 244๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Metal

1. Death Metal is a sub genre of Metal in which the Vocals talk about death or disgusting things. Death Metal involves a grunting vocalist, heavy distorted guitars, low end base, and simple and fast drums; double-bass,snare,high-hat.

1.Hey!, did you here that Death Metal Band Cannible Corpse? That song I Cum Blood is Awesome!

2. Iron Maidoen isnt death metal, they are cock rock.

by Anonymous June 24, 2003

24๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Metal

The crap that bands make when they can't think of anything good. Usually reserved for the most untalented.

Hell, even the my bro's garage band can play death metal.

by Mikel jo December 2, 2005

32๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž