A word used to describe something cool, awesome, exciting, etc.
'Last weekend was totally dots, man!'
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Male equivalent of THOT (that hoe over there), DOT = douche over there.
Look at that dot, he is the biggest dick I know!
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An extreme pwn.
Two people have to declare it, one says โdot dot dot,โ and then the next says, โpwnedโ
~Monarch Volleyball comes back from a 14-21 deficit to win it all~
Mike: Dot dot dot
Mike: Jack, I heard Jeremy was taking your sister to prom?
Jack: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!
Mike: Dot dot dot
Russell: PWNED!!
~n00b shots MK2K in back~
n00b: hahhaha I k113d U !!!111!one!!won!!11!
~while n00b is typeing, MK2K proceeds to sneak up behind n00b and slit his thought~
n00b: 7YP3 KI113R TYP3R KILLER, 7HI5 IS G4Y!!!!one!!11!
~n00b leaves game~
MK2K: Dot dot dot
Jester35: pwned
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a synonym for dorchester, boston, MA. it originates from the curious accent that comes from dorchester, where they pronounce the word "dotchestah".
i had a run in with the po-pos over in dot
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Damage over Time. Usually used in the plural "Dots" to represent many spells that do damage over time.
"We need more dots now, more dots more dots more dots....come on more dots.......kay, stop dots."
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A word used, usually on the internet or in grafitti but sometimes spoken, to refer to somebody's possession of something or it's relation to somebody. Used to replace "'s" by those unable to use grammar. Often used by chavs in their MSN display names or by people faux-chavving.
Derived from the use of "."s in URL's
Merryweather: Whose pencil is this?
Ginge: Bruce that's a GingedotPencil!
"GINGEdotMAN" has logged in.
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