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An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intellegence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he appears.

Your boss is a real douchebag!

by Burrito Brad June 27, 2006

1976๐Ÿ‘ 1062๐Ÿ‘Ž


Some one who goes beyond a douche.

Hey we must be douchebags because we idolize the Jonas Brothers and think they have talent!

by jimgraves July 27, 2009

82๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


A douchebag is characterized by many different qualities so this will be a lengthy definition.
Whether or not someone is a douchebag, can often be determined by a combination of their attitude, attire, and lifestyle.
First we'll start with a basic definition. Douchebags at their core are pricks who have massive egos and think they have the right to treat other people like shit, they think they own the world. They somehow have been deluded into thinking they are extremely attractive, tough, and that everyone likes them, which is far from the case. They are often white teenagers, but can be found in other age groups, and occasionally other races.

Let's look at atire.

Douchebags tend to flock to places such as Abercrombie and Fitch, or Lacostalot, excuse me, Lacoste. They often wear cock eyed or reversed flatbills of a baseball team that is located no where near where they live, usually the Yankees or Red Sox. You may see excessive jewelry also, such as massive stud earrings, I'm not talking just little earrings, massive earrings. They wear pre-ripped up jeans, I believe they call it stressed in places such as Abercrombie and Hollister. More often than not they have short hair, often spiked up with some sort of product. It really isn't that hard to find them, a good portion of teens today are doucehbags, they all look the same and they all look like faggots.

More than just the way one looks characterizes a douchebag though. They are huge pricks, and just have an aura of egotism around them. Whenever they look at someone who doesn't look like them, you can see the disdain in their eyes, they just hate them for no apparent reason. They have shitty attitudes, they act like pussies when they don't get there way are have to do something that isn't "cool" enough for them. They are very elitist and don't understand what it means to be laid back and accepting. They love talking shit, but can't back it up, I once recieved a death threat via text from a douchebag, I think he works at Abercrombie...

They treat women like shit, and the only women who go for them are shallow, easy, and have no self respect. Once you get to college they don't even get these women, beause ithey aren't needed, because they just try to get women really drunk so they can sleep with them. Another thing they do is search for extremely easy girls in the area on Myspace, although girls who fall for this deserve their fate. So ladies, if your guy has any of the qualities in this definition, you should probably really think about what you're doing.

The most important thing to remember when dealing with a douchebag is that, everyone else likes you more than him, and he's a pussy. So feel free to either kick his ass, verbally destroy him since he's probably a dumbass, or just ignore him. One good way to react if a douchebag is talking shit to you is to laugh at him. They'll be confused when they realized they didn't intimidate you, or even make you angry. This confusion will make them angry, and they won't know what to do. Instant win.

Just try not to be a douche.

-"Hey man you want to go to the mall?"

-"Maybe, although it's filled with douchebags looking for chicks and shopping at abercrombie, lets just throw a crazy party and only invite cool people who know how to have fun and aren't jackasses instead."

-"Good idea I've seen enough flatbills today."

- "What's that guys problem over there?"

-"The one with the huge jacket, flatbill, and collared shirt from abercrombie?"

-"Yeah he's being a total dick to everyone, and won't stop talking shit."

-"What a douchebag, we'll just kick his ass if he gets out of hand."

by TMichW May 28, 2009

107๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. egotist who disrespects others in an attempt to 'be cool' with the aim of generating love interests or elevating his social standing - especially when this behavior takes the form of attention-seeking antics that defy social norms

2. person who appears uncool, unoriginal and insecure due to his or her habit of trying too hard to appear cool or clever or tough or hip or in-style

3. guido, wigger, or anyone who behaves similarly

1. Yeah man, some guy in a candy ass red Porsche pulls a foot in front of me and then slams on his brakes. I wasn't even in the high speed lane. Fucking douchebag.

2. Dude, did you notice that guy who came into the club carrying his motorcycle helmet, with no shirt on? And, get this -- he has a guitar strapped to his back? The douchebag's not even in the band! Like who does he think he is -- Iggy Pop? Talk about trying too hard.

3. Check out the boardwalk here with all these look-alike shitheads wearing their fruity pink shirts with popped collars. Oh man, they've got massive gobs of guido goo in their hair! Sooo funny! I mean, these fucking ass clowns actually believe that they look cool. It's hilarious! And man, don't even get me started on all the trustifarians and wiggers out here -- it's pretty much Douchebag Central here! Ha ha !

by TheCoolestGuyEvah June 13, 2011

164๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž


People we generally do not like.

Dude: I don't like that guy over there.

Other Dude: He's probably a douchbag.

Dude: I generally don't like douchebags.

by Nagballs July 18, 2009

52๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


a straight laced fool who hangs with his buddies from the frat house 10 years after college trying to pick up on chicks. shops at banana republic. tucks his woven shirt into his khakis and makes fun of people who don't drive nice cars.

"that douchebag is about to get his ass kicked"

by childish adult March 24, 2008

68๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Having a condition (particularly females), where you are constantly attracted to men who are douchebags (i.e - they treat you like crap, take longer to get ready than you do, cheat on you).

See I have this problem.. its called douchebagitis- I always going for douchebags and then ending up in an epic fail.

by camann November 12, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž