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Emilias are the kindest most funniest people you will ever meet. They love dumplings and cheese sticks. Emilias are really smart and unique. They are the worst at Khan academy and get grounded a lot. When Emilias call you a friend they mean it because they never lie.

Emilia is my best friend.

by sammi_wammi628 June 19, 2017

11👍 4👎


A cute British girl who all the guys love. She's very beautiful, has a very cute laugh, and can cross up anyone in basketball!

My friend: OMG who's that pretty girl?

Me: Oh that's my girlfriend emilia but her nickname is milly

by eman w. May 19, 2017

16👍 8👎


A name of an imaginary girlfriend that guys use to boost their confidence after a major breakup, and to make the girl that broke their heart jealous.

girl 1- I heard that trevor's new "girl friend" goes to Mammoth High
girl 2- Wait, I heard she goes to Bishop High
girl 3- I think she's just an Emilia

by memo2641025 April 20, 2008

240👍 205👎


Emilia is the most amazing girl you will ever meet in your life. Emilia's are funny, smart, sarcastic and cute. She is probably one of the greatest friends you will have so don't lose them! Be grateful to meet a Emilia, because they are amazing

Person 1: Emilia is a good person
Person 2: Yeah I know and she is cute too

by Rosesandguns November 5, 2019


The best person in world. En väldigt rolig snäll och glad person. Älskar bröd och hästar TJOFRÄS

Yeah that was Emilia.

by Ilovebreaad July 22, 2018


emilia is the person who is always there for you. she is one of the best people on earth. she is beautiful, smart, funny, weird, caring, amazing, loving, etc. she is just what every person needs, if you have a best friend named emilia that means you are one of the luckiest people in the universe. emilia can be a motherfucker/bitch (in a good way). you can count on her with anything! if you find an emilia, hold on to her because when you’ll lose her.........it will be the biggest regret of your life!

p.s. my name is alex, emilia is my best friend since she was born. i love you ems!💕

my best friend Emilia, was ALWAYS there for me when i was sad. i love her with all my heart.

by alex3213 June 23, 2019

8👍 3👎


A girl who is really flexible and loves softball. She is a beauty in the streets and beast in her cleats.

See that girl playing catcher, she is a total Emilia!

by Emi_Softball_Catcher April 15, 2017

8👍 4👎