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Amazing place that the british non-english people hate for no other reason but holding a grudge about something that no-one alive can even remember. Oh and they're jealous because we are bigger/ more powerful than them and when people say 'british' they really mean 'english'.
The non-english british also like to complain about how they are discriminated against by the english when really the english don't even think about them and the only thing that'd come in to their mind if you spoke to them was 'cool accent'.

I love you all really but LET IT GO! I haven't done anything to you! Sorry I was born in England!

Oh I'm excluding the Welsh btw, I'n not even sure they speak.

English doctor/ nice guy: Hey you have such a cool accent, maybe I can buy you a drink and show you around after I finish saving peoples lives at the hospital. OH I can't actually, I'm looking after my children so my wife can have some much deserved fun :)

Scottish/Irishman: Yeah that sounds great you sound like a- Hold on??? Was tha a english accent I hear?!?! I don' associate wit bastards frum England!!! Now take yer English bastard self away frum meh!! Meh anscetor's wrath is comin' to yeh, yeh cunt, one day we'll conquer yeh and I'll laugh in yer fuckin pansy english face!

Englishman: I'll take that as a no then?

by omnibenevolent January 18, 2011

30πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Clearly the majority of these people haven't been to England! For a start it's a country where the major majority of the population don't have bad teeth...you're talking about a country where most of the dentistry is FREE! Idiots. English people don't sit around drinking tea or talking like an imbecile "Golly gosh that was truly spiffing!" I think not. There isn't loads of chavs that spit and swear in fact there's more emo's and scene kids. We don't fuck sheep...much ;P and unlike america we're not a counrty full of pussies! American football is like rugby with padding. Grow some balls! We also have better fashion sense than americans and don't act like five year olds on crack. I don't know how any person who is american can call our accents at least we don't act like we're buzzing off life all the damn time! And we don't have a president called Bush...eyes out for you! I don't actually have anything against americans but this pissed me off!

Random american: Dude, like oh my God that was like totally awesome!!!!!
Random england person: I'm buzzing for you.

by Borris the buttfucking britain July 17, 2006

84πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž


A nice place, some areas are absolutely beautiful (The Cotswolds, the South West for example), whereas others have the most amazing nightlife, pleasant weather in the summer, readily available decent education and opportunities.

However the politics of the Labour Government are extremely questionable and the people running the country are a bunch of useless scumbags who keep increasing our taxes so they can keep buying fifth houses and cars which they dont need. Our economy is failing, mass multiculturalism is unfortunately only breeding rascism, we are the bitch of the EU (which the majority of people don't want to be a part of) and the future looks pretty bleak. Crime is on the rise, as is teenage pregnancy, the spread of STIs, problems with drink and drugs, The National Health Service is terrible, and we're a slave to Health and Safety and Political Correctness.

A Country which makes the rich richer, the poor poorer, and abuses the practicalities of foreign labour to an appaling degree. In the majority of cases it is right to say that the honest, hardworking classes and the middle classes are the ones that lose out in this country, and has been proven that those on benefits are infinately better off than those who work. This has led to a mass abuse of the benefits system.

However much I love this country, Its becoming somewhere many of its own citizens can't stand to be, and as such is driving our it's own people in droves. The only thing we're heading for is Revolution.

Neither I nor my parents can afford to put me on their car insurance so I cant learn to drive, despite the fact that all three of us are working and intend to intil the day we retire.

However my fat relatives who have never worked a day in their lives get given a free car because she's a cripple and cant walk, despite the fact that I have seen her running about the shops without a stick or wheelchair in sight in the January Sales. As is usually the way in England.

Oh i'm sorry, I meant "my relative with an eating disorder" not fat relative, and "physically impaired" rather than cripple. OMGZ LOL I TOLLY LEIF PERLETICUL CORICTNUSS!!!!!!1111 GG OK??

by Cyka April 6, 2008

79πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


A pretty damn shit place to live. But it's better than America to be honest. We shouldn't help the motherfucking yanks kill thousands of people in Iraq. Are they not old enough to fight their own war? We DO NOT say 'good old chap' and shit like that. We do brush our teeth and not all of us smoke. Just some of the random crap the yanks have been writing about England. It's still a shithole. But if it wern't for us, theyre wouldn't be a America. We were the ones that made a pilgramige to America and they took it over and now the buggers hate us? Well you have a crap leader. Well so do we. SHH.The Queens pretty shit aswell. She dosen't do much. In a nutshell, both America and England are shit countries.

American Tom:'Englands shit'
English Chris:'I know, so is America'
American Tom:'Fuck yeah!'

by The Snow Man August 31, 2006

193πŸ‘ 219πŸ‘Ž


A country where you don't have to pay for healthcare or a good education, and where kids don't go round shooting everyone because it says so in the 'constitution', a scripture more outdated than the bible, which the yanks also love.

England is bordered by 2 or 3 countries whose names i forget.


england na na naa naaa

by raddabwoy January 18, 2011

31πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


A country, quite like any other country. Not all of us are the stereotype as we don't all sit around all day drinking tea and eating crumpets while speaking in our Sherlock Holmes voices. Some places have been overrun by chavs, and some places are still quite nice but do have quite a few pricks walking the streets with their fags in their mouths and their hats on backwards while saying the word SWAG repeatedly, but trailer trash is the American version of chavs, because nowhere in the world is free of pricks or perfect. Which I'm sure is a shock to some people.

It's a country with loads of culture and it's not just fields or London. It's good for holidays, because London manages to cram loads of shops in while having some of the most interesting places in the world, like the London Eye (biggest ferris wheel in the world) and some places that are just fucking terrifying like M&M World (4 floors worth of chocolate, you can smell it streets away, and yes I know they're in America too). Oh, and not everyone is a football-obsessed chav here either.

England is just a country, though. Sure, it's had achievements in the past, but that doesn't give English people permission to act like a bitch to other people in different countries, and it doesn't give people the authority to judge every single person in a country based on some dumb stereotype they heard a while ago and have never actually met enough English people to judge them properly.

England is a country. Not all of us are like the stereotypes as we don't all sit around all day drinking tea and eating crumpets while speaking in our Sherlock Holmes voices. Some places have been overrun by chavs, and some places are still quite nice but do have quite a few pricks walking the streets with their fags in their mouths and their hats on backwards while saying the word SWAG repeatedly, but trailer trash is the American version of chavs, because nowhere in the world is free of pricks or perfect. Which I'm sure is a shock to some people.

by Owliye September 1, 2013

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A country in north-west Europe. Part of the United Kingdom. Bordered by Wales to the West and Scotland to the north.
Did much for the world, for example Isaac Newton (extraordinary physicist, mathematician, astronomer, alchemist, and natural philosopher), George Stephenson (inventor the train), and Charles Darwin (theory of natural selection on which the modern theory of evolution is based) were all English.

Produced influential music acts such as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, and Black Sabbath.

Football and rugby were invented in England.

Has a language spoken by a huge amount of the worlds population - roughly 300-400 million people speak it fluently and 150 million–1 billion speak it as a second language - even those who claim to hate England (the Scottish, Welsh, Irish and Americans to an extent).

Hated out of jealousy by Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Most likely because England does better when it comes to sports, and Englands dominant cultural position within the U.K.

England is a country in Europe, part of the United Kingdom.

by Carl 101 September 1, 2006

188πŸ‘ 217πŸ‘Ž