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Ernest Goes to Camp

One of the greatest movies ever made. Widely recognized as the best in the 'Ernest' series, and one of the few movies to successfully utilize not one, but two montages in the same film. A triumph of modern cinema.

Dude, remember back in the day when we used to watch Ernest Goes to Camp like every day? Man those were good times.

by derekstellar February 7, 2005

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Ernest P. Whirl

When one urinates into their lovers mouth and then uses their penis like a stirstick.

Hey Vern, would you like an Ernest P. whirl?

by utrtrhrutr August 29, 2009

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Ernest Goes To Jail

A great movie where Ernest finally gets LIGHTNING POWERS

I likeed 'Ernest Goes To Jail'

by Treg April 19, 2005

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ethan ernest bunts

lives for God above all; is too nice for his own good, loves halo, loves the dew of mountains, can't spell, a country boy, and he can believe its not butter.

ethan ernest bunts-would die for Christ because Christ has died for him.

by DARKHAWK 009ER April 12, 2009

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ernest r graham

Itโ€™s a imature school that the students act like there still in 1 grade and are all pussy ass snitches and need to mature they probably still laugh and giggle when their teachers say the word penis or a bad word

Yo u heard about Ernest r graham?
Yeah dude that schools full of little pussy their the type of students that if u curse they snitch on u

by Ernest people .com๐Ÿคฎโ™พ March 1, 2019

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Bonksisuai ernest nidilavou

he is a dumb little dede who likes to jingle his bells up and down everyday and dances infront of 4 year olds and a character from teletubbies


by supermarket shahin October 22, 2018

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Giga Chad (Ernest Khalimov)

He is a Russian bodybuilder commonly known as the popular "Gigachad" meme describing someone doing an action towards someone and it being described as "Chad-like", meaning to be beholden in the public eye as doing the most uncommonly right thing that may go against some peoples definitions of things like decent, humane, or popular. This internet meme came into popularity with the Russian bodybuilder Ernest Khalimov, whom has become the internet's superhero.

Bro, I pulled a chad-like move earlier.

What'd you do?

I got asked out by a female, and rejected her.

You ass, you probably broke her heart!

(note-the author has nothing against Giga Chad (Ernest Khalimov)

by therealgoldstandard April 20, 2022