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expired cuntrag

A old towel that has been used many times by old women at a retirement house and has evidence of mold forming on it.

Dont throw that expired cuntrag on my face!!!

by mexicangardener January 20, 2005

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Expired Shit

When you hold in a shit all day and it hardens to the point of looking and smelling expired.

Ive held in this shit all day and now it has finally become an expired shit.

by Papichulo man July 25, 2021

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Expiration Date

Going out on a date for the sole purpose of breaking up with someone.

โ€œI was blindsided - when he took me out I had no idea that it would be an expiration date!โ€

by Shuttlenudger July 18, 2018

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expired cum

When you havenโ€™t cummed in a long ass time and you finally cum.

His expired cum make me feel sick after I swallowed it.

by Jjsjsosjsnene December 28, 2017

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expired coochie

a homeless smelly woman, who got caught in a hot car and died

yo, it smells like expired coochie

by Little_rose January 14, 2020

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expiration date

something that is not printed on people

timmy:dude I got a tattoo of my expiration date
jimmy:*crying* I don't want you to die

by raybeez April 8, 2022

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expired chug

when someone goes to the refrigerator, chugs the last bit of milk only to realize the milk has expired...

Phill raced his younger brother to the fridge so he could chug the last bit of milk...only to realize it was expired and sour... his younger brother said dude i am glad you took the expired chug and not me.

by reno49er November 20, 2009

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