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Fat Naked Geriatric

My Grampa has really turned into a FNG. He never wears clothes anymore and judging by his naked flabby body,he has gained at least 100lbs!

by Tarber March 14, 2017


Someone that is a G A M E R

Hi fng have a good day

Wow your a FNG

by Fng brownie October 9, 2020


(F)ort(n)ite (g)amers

"FNGs always go first"-Bangalore

by Miss may i May 1, 2019


FNG (Finna Nut Gang)

FNG is the name of imdontai's (youtuber, rapper, streamer) gan... association.
over 2 millions people are part of this association.

You can also use FNG to describe someone in the association.
"How y'all doing FNG!!"
"I'm from FNG"
"I'm a real FNG"

by Astronautplusalumétière March 1, 2020


FNG(Finna N U T Gang) are the subs of popular YouTuber and Twitch streamer ImDontai

ImDontai is cool and all but FNG can get out of pocket sometimes

by 0ptik June 22, 2021


The FNG(Fragging Noob Gamers)Is a 1337 gaming clan headed by FNGHandy Manny,FNGJack Bauer,FNGFenix and FNGBulldog. WE WILL PWN NOOBS FOREVER

Yo the FNG pwn them n00bs!

by [FNG]chichi November 2, 2007


'Five Nice Guys'
A dangerous gang established in Sweden,Örebro 2016.

The gang is known for its amazing gaming skills and involvement in drugs.

The five members of the gang is well known for being badboys and one of the members have been arrested for driving moppe whitout helmet and driver license.

*Gun shots*
Dude 1: What's that sound?
Dude 2: It's probably FNG in a gang fight vs. LDGZ (another gang in Örebro)

by mrZeroMan March 12, 2017