Source Code

Falcon Punch

When you aim for a persons nose during a fight

Kyle: Hey, did you see the fight in Gym with James and Connor?
Friend: No, What Happened
Kyle: James Falcon Punched Connor In The Nose

by funnypeople08 December 6, 2019

Falcon Punch

Creating a diversion; successfully distracting a large number of people, perhaps an entire population, from more important issues by throwing a bullshit sideshow.

A six-year-old boy named Falcon and his attention-whore family successfully tricked the nation's major media outlets into airing hours of distractions from more pressing issues, such as health care reform, because they thought he might be inside a balloon in midair and be in danger of plunging to his untimely death. One could argue that whereas someone should have 'falcon punched' his mother, instead this complicit little lad 'Falcon punched' the nation. Also see: Runaway Bride

by Fannie P. Acker October 16, 2009

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Falcon Punch

Most powerful move in supersmash bros and is used by Captain falcon

Chuck Norris threw the dodgeball so hard it had flames, it looked like a Falcon Punch

by Dodgeb11names April 16, 2009

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Falcon Punch

Commonly known as Captain Falcon's signature move. The falcon punch is epitome of human capabilities the strongest technique a mere mortal can accomplish (Childs play to Chuck Norris). Ultimatly the falcon punch is rediculously powered punch capable but not limited to the destruction of all beings hit with the attack (except Chuck Norris in which this attack only tickles him) and in a grander scale a punch that affect can change the universe..

To perform this attack:
1: Plant feet firmly
2: Cock back you arm while yelling: FFAAAALLLLCOOONNN!
3: Hurl your fist at your target while yelling PUUUNNNCCCHHHHHH!
4: (Important) Make sure you don't miss..it happens often

Jordan used Falcon Punch on Mike, after Mike said Chuck Norris is weak.

by JayTD November 9, 2009

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Falcon Punch

What hookers use to save time

FALCON PUNCH!!!!!!!!!!

by 812479 January 2, 2010

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Falcon Punch

The act of spotting a fine-ass'd chick (optional guy if ur a homo) who is preferably wearing a skirt and sneaking up behind them, taking a huge ass wind up, and shoving your fist up their anus as far as it will possibly go. If you make it to the mid forearm, you have achieved a Falcon Punch. Oh yea, dont forget to scream FALCON PUNCH!

Man "hehe..."

Woman "Wah?" (as she looks around)


Woman "OHHHH!! Farther!!"

Man "I knew you'd like it."

by I8outurm0m August 29, 2010

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Falcon Punch

What bird fanatics drink between rounds of Hawk-ey

"Show me your moves!"


by Zakxx April 13, 2010

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