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The scent trail that a woman leaves behind when she walks past you.

tony- what the hell is that smell??
milenkovitch- i think it is that lady that just walked by.....
tony- holey shit those are some nasty FEM-TRAILS!!!!
milenkovitch- yes and just like chem-trails they are destroying my mind and make me want to sex sex sex!!!

by milenkovitch October 19, 2009


Any woman who:
1: excuses everything that she does, because she has a vagina.
2: blames a man for everything that he does, because he has a penis.

"She was a Fem-Terrorist, who blamed men for all the world's problems, while she excused women for everything under the sun."

by Nannette LaRee Hernandez July 4, 2017

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The mullet on a female, usually a bull-dyke lesbian (aka lumberjack lesbian).

Further defined as "Women's Lib. in the front, house-wife in the back." - Kozar

My ex-girlfriend will most likely have a fem-mullet by then end of this year.

by Kozar April 10, 2005

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Mullet on a female, not nearly as cool as a mullet, but what's a female supposed to do?
Or, fullet

Thats why I dont have a mullet, cuz fem-mullets just aren't worth it :-(

by mullets rock June 7, 2003

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Similar to the metro-sexual male. An andro-fem is a female who possesses male habits. They appear completely girly but have the tendency to think like the male species.

She is such an andro-fem. She looks all girly but she sounds like a dude. She is almost a dude.

by Mirca June 9, 2006

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Fem Crushed

When a man is constantly demeaning or put down by his woman for control purposes.

When women constantly crushes a mans confidence to keep his manliness at bay.

Example #1:

Man: I'm going to enjoy another beer with my friend.

Woman: If you have another beer you are dead. I'm serious I will kill you if you have another beer!

Onlooker: You've been Fem Crushed!

Example #2:

Man telling buddies: I built my house by myself and it turned out awesome.

Woman: Whatever. Everything is crooked and built like crap. If you don't get your hammer out by morning and rebuild the house there will be hell to pay.

Buddies: Dude, you just got Fem Crushed!

by Kerjner 3 December 24, 2010

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Women's products used for their time.

Justine went shopping for fem-hy products in the grocery store.

by Zoeanne September 25, 2006

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