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Ferda Tech

Meaning better than cool. What a son said to his Mom when she allowed him to skip school to go hang out with his friends.

Can I skip school?

Yes because you have good grades.

That’s Ferda tech Mom!

by Madge1 November 24, 2022

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Fucking ferda

When something sick as fuck happens. Can be used as an exaggeration as-well sometimes replacing the F word.

*John hits a blinker* Alphonse: “Fucking Ferda John”.

by milk mf April 17, 2022

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john ferda

john ferda can be used in many different ways like in asking or any sport or activity you could say that was john ferda or that was ferdaaa. you can also say john ferda pluh or ferda boiiiiiii

yo that cork 7 was john ferda.

by john ferda pluhhh November 22, 2024

john ferda

john ferda is a word used for a lot of things like skiing,hockey,baseball etc. its sorta like fire or sick.

yo that dub 10 was so john ferda

by john ferda pluhhh November 22, 2024

Ferda Jawndice

the contagious disease of ferda jawndice is not to be played with

damnnn that man got ferda jawndice, idek if thats chill or what

by ferda jawndie November 28, 2024


Something hockey players say when someone sacrifices their body "for the boys." It is short for "for the" and only beauties are allowed to say this. It can also be used when someone does something amazing.

"Go rip on bardownski Ferda."

by Flatter Foil June 4, 2020


That fraternity bullshit.

That kid CK can’ t handle his alcohol. He’s not ferda.

by Professor Beans October 12, 2023