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fidel castro

Much like the Abe Lincoln, this move involves blowing your load on a girl's face and then accessorizing her face with someone else's rotten pubes, thus creating a Fidel Castro like beard.

Monty was angry his woman would not take it in the pooper, so he gave her the Fidel Castro with his friend Dave's pubes, which were rife with crabs.

by R. Cogwell December 1, 2006

452πŸ‘ 222πŸ‘Ž

fidel castro

If you're criminally ignorant of history but want to appear cool, you pretend to know something by cheering for Fidel Castro & Che Guevara. You also show what a non-conformist you are by wearing a soul-patch & a Latin ring on your thumb (on the inside of the ring it says "made in China" since it was made by orphans in a sweat-shop).

Fidel Castro by his own admission has been a communist since 17, despite what uninformed people write on the internet, he was not "forced into the Soviet sphere" by the US embargo. Rather, the US was one of the first countries to recognize his government after the revolution, and Castro was given a ticker-tape parade in NYC. As always happens after such revolutions, Castro was unable to live up to his Utopian promises. In order to hold power, he suspended human rights. During the heyday of the Soviet Bloc, Cuba had the most repressive laws of any communist country. Habeas Corpus doesn't exist in Cuba. Under laws enacted by Castro, people can be imprisoned indefinitely, even executed, if they have an "appearance" that suggests they may do something immoral. In the 60s, Castro sent people to slave-labor camps for listening to the Beatles, now there's a statue of John Lennon in Havana, why? Because Castro needs green dollars to continue his regime, and Americans & Europeans like to get their picture taken at the statue so they can look cool. Unless something in Cuba is related to tourism or foreign dollars, it is left to rot and crumble.

Twenty percent of Cubans are in prison or exile.

Fidel Castro is a billionaire, and if you support him, you are what HE CALLS a "useful idiot".

"Hello, I like Fidel Castro. Let's go to your apartment and have sex, then we can listen to 'Dashboard Confessional' on my iPod and cry".

by Cody Pendant May 25, 2007

433πŸ‘ 214πŸ‘Ž

fidel castro

The ruler of Cuba since he overthrew the dictatorship of Batista. In a violent revolution, he took each city one by one until New Years Day 1959 in which he seized Havana. He did liberate Cuba in a sense, but failed the help the rural populations. As a result, many of the Cuban people are poor, and are forced to survive on the streets. See, therealcuba.com. Cuba is a beautiful country, but unfortunately it is tarnished by this brutal man. Communism, like an Ashlee Simpson song, may look good on paper but in the end it is a failed doctrine.

Fidel Castro is still preaching the revolution while at the same time he fails to help his own citizens.

by PaNchoVi11a April 10, 2007

278πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž

Undying Fidelity

"Undying Fidelity" was one of the last words/phrases told by Loki to his brother Thor in the Avengers: Infinity War movie in May 2018.

It was also used by Loki's fans and Tom Hiddleston stans to create a movement in Twitter to show the Russo Brothers their love for the said character.

I will forever cherish your undying fidelity for that man.

The hashtag, #UndyingFidelity, was used by some Twitter users to show their love for their favorite character.

by undyingfidelis August 3, 2018

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Fidel Castro

the dictator of Cuba who thinks he's all that and a bag of chips, but is just a complete bastard who likes to make people's lives impossible

There is going to be a huge party in Cuba the day Fidel Castro dies.

by jczles February 19, 2008

360πŸ‘ 191πŸ‘Ž

Fidel Castro

(full name Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz) The communist dictator of Cuba since 1959 when he overthrew the government of Fulgencio Batista, to present, although in 2006 he transfered presidential duties to his brother RaΓΊl due to illness. Totalitarian tyrant who has deprived the Cuban population of the most basic of human rights including freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, worship, among others. He was listed on ForbesΒ΄"Fortunes of Kings, Queens, and Dictators" list as the 7th Richest Leader, Forbes estimated his fortune at $900 million, only including the money he makes off the wealth of the state, not any past profits.

Fidel Castro has deprived Cubans of human rights as dictator.

by Viquita September 10, 2006

350πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž

high fidelity

A great movie starring John Cusack, Jack Black, and Todd Louiso.

High Fidelity is a good movie.

by brahm2 September 28, 2003

98πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž