When you can't get your dick hard in an outside environment.
"I was on a booty call in the woods and couldn't get bricked. Lake Flacid!"
The act of secretly ejaculating into one’s trousers out of excitement before sexual intercourse, thus forcing a bout of floppy wiener sex.
Fuck, that hot broad from The Home Depot gave me the Flacid Burns. I had to traverse that pussy limp.
Purposely imagining something displeasing to qwell an erection.
Look at that fat couple having sex!". "That's pretty sick, I think I'll use that as my new flacidism.
when so smack someone with your soft penis
my girl loves a nice flacid punch
A term used to define a sloppy and elongated ball sack, with both balls hanging at the bottom, held behind an extremely small penis.
Imma do her doggie style till mah balls bang against her ass and become flacid jewels, then imma let'em shine.
When you are paralyzed from the waist down. You want to get rock hard but resort to rock flacid.
She was grinding on my wheel chair and I was extremely rock flacid.