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Former fat kid syndrome

When someone who was previously a fat/unattractive child loses weight or "glows up" and overcompensates for their past insecurities by acting out. Usually they end up acting like the same people who bullied them growing up.

Friend 1: Emily lost weight and now acts like she's better than everyone.
Friend 2: classic Former fat kid syndrome.

by 1234456hjk July 22, 2020

free former awesome band!

A gnarass band from Boyertown PA that revolutionized the musical genre of acoustindiemojazzpunkjamphunkelectrosimple. Known locally for being those 3 kids that hate everything about everything; They write songs about clothes, communism and toy story 2 and pride themselves in their use of as many instruments as they can find (acoustic guitar, cello, tin can, didgeridoo, recorder, flutes, tambourine, unplugged electric bass, harmonica, ukulele, trashcan, party noise makers, ocarinas and many more). Not even the band members enjoy the music they create, but that doesnt matter. Nothing even matters. Nobody even likes free former awesome band. I don't like them, you don't like them. That is why they are free former awesome band.

free former awesome band! is good or something.

by darkstardave23 September 15, 2008

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the former yugoslav republic of macedonia

A country north of the Greece state of Macedonia. Its capital is Skopje. It was formerly part of the communist republic of Yugoslavia.

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is a country.


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FHGS (former hot girl syndrome)

When a girl that used to be hot ages poorly or gets fat but still acts like a princess hot girl

Jess must have FHGS (former hot girl syndrome) if she thinks someone is going to buy her a drink dressed like that.

by Airik May 5, 2016

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father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate

Someone whom you have no relation to in genealogy. A joke in the movie Spaceballs

"I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate"
"And that makes us?"
"Absolutely nothing! Which you are about to become!"
(Quote from Spaceballs)

by psofrn May 28, 2012

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FFK Syndrome or Former [Fat Kid] Syndrome

A person who, in the past was fat and/or utterly unattractive, but now is considered attractive by society, yet still retains the mental, and emotional status of a fat kid and therefore does not understand social cues.

"Jane may be hot now, but she still suffers from FFK Syndrome or Former Fat Kid Syndrome"

by 1122 February 5, 2009

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Former UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon

The owl shown in the Tom Scott video called "How Weird Is My Audience? I Polled 15,408 People To Find Out

Person 1: Is that Clovenhorn, Destroyer of Mars?
Person 2: No! It's Former UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon! (*tom dying of laughter in the corner*)

by .mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq098 December 28, 2021

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