A sorry excuse for on-campus participation in clubs and a form of 'purchasing' friends or as they are known amonst themselves...'brothers', for life; in which their frats always has to be named around 2 to 3 greek letters, revolve around a 5 party school weekday with different types such as a 'kickback' or a 'hoe-down'...with non-stop spirits all night
Blond Sorority Girl: those guys from (Insert some random Greek letter here) Lambda Yada yada are so cool because they got me tipsy!
Fraternity Bro's Girlfriend: I know! I know!...I like the muscular guys...you know...the ones with popped collars and such!
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a group comprised of males who need to find security in a group identity/subculture.
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A sorry excuse for on-campus participation in clubs and a form of 'purchasing' friends or as they are known amonst themselves...'brothers', for life; in which their frats always has to revolve 2-3 greek letters, revolve around a 5 party school weekday with different types such as a 'kickback' or a 'hoe-down'...with non-stop spirits all night
Blond Sorority Girl: those guys from Blank(Insert Greek letter here) Lambda Yada yada are so cool because they got my tipsy!
Fraternity Bro's Girlfriend: I know! I know!...I like the muscular guys...you know...the ones with popped collars and such!
286๐ 375๐
The fraternity is a dying breed. With notherners thinking that hair gel, popped collars, and abercrombie is cool, it is obvious why many people look down on fraternities. Southerners, however, are doing their best to keep the tradition alive. "You don't like us because you are not a part of us, and you are not a part of us because we don't like you."
take a look at www.fratty.net
SMU knows how things are and should be
Boston does not...
322๐ 436๐
douchebags befriending douchebags with the intent of engaging in acts of douchebaggery together
1: Look at all of those douchebags.
2: Yeah, I think they belong to that fraternity Phi Kappa Douchebag...
139๐ 183๐
A fraternity is an association of men, selected in their college days by a democratic process, because of their adherence to common ideals and aspirations. Out of their association arises a personal relationship which makes them unselfishly seek to advance one another in the arts of life and to add to the formal instruction of the college curriculum, the culture, and the character which men acquire by contact with great personalities, or when admitted to partnership in great traditions.A fraternity too is of such character that after men have left college they delight to renew their own youth by continued association with it and to bring their richest experiences back to the younger generation in part payment of the debt which they feel themselves to owe to the fraternity for what is gave them in their formative years.
You will one day work for a fraternity man.
155๐ 425๐
a fraternity is a proud collection of stand up individuals who are just as smart, fun, or whatever trait those people not in one choose to think of themselves as. they enjoy the camaraderie that develops from the pledging process as well as all the parties and good times that come after a pledge class gets in. they go out of their way to show kids who are new to the college experience or new to the college itself a good time, many times to have those ungrateful punks label them in a matter similar to some of these entries.
boot camp recruits get hazed and broken down in the process of becoming soldiers, and upon finishing boot camp, they become part a brotherhood w/people who had undergone what they went through, take pride in what they have accomplished, and embark upon a new lifestyle.....a pledge class gets hazed and broken down in the process of becoming brothers, and upon finishing their pledging program, they become part of a fraternity w/people who had followed the same program, walk around with a sense of being able to go through what many people are too afraid to do, and embark upon a new lifestytle
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