Source Code


1. The personal name most frequently used as a metasyntactic variable (see foo). Allegedly popular because it's easy for a non-touch-typist to type on a standard QWERTY keyboard. Unlike J. Random Hacker or "J. Random Loser", this name has no positive or negative loading (but see Mbogo, Dr. Fred). See also barney.
2. A half spoon, half fork eating device. Often found in military mess kits. Also called a spork.
3. An acronym for "Fucking Ridiculous Eating Device".
4. James. Kind of like a spoon.

Hey, you...(forgets name) fred...

Has anyone seem my Fred?

Has anyone seen this Fred?

Hey, James is a Fred, kinda like a spoon.

by johnathan sigg March 1, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A kid that thought it would be funny to broadcast himself on YouTube because he hit the opposite of puberty. Now he somehow entertains people with his random, annoying stupidity.

*What is that awful noise?!?
*Oh, my sister is just watching Fred again.

by GorillaZ 807 May 31, 2012

10๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


A bloody legend

Mate that Freddie is a legend

by Didiishducidf October 31, 2018


A god among men. Don't question his authority

"yeet. Fred."

by yeetyeteeyaysyghfgyu\hfiuhfyuw January 6, 2019


Fred aka LORD FRED is the greatest midfielder of all time, He plays for the english club Manchester united along with Lingardinho, Phil Jones(best defender) and fridge along with siuuuu man


by Lingardinho GOAT January 25, 2022



A penguin. Most comment penguin name.

Example: Penguin to other penguin. Hey Fred. Hey Fred.

by Ccllcc November 10, 2020


Fred is a thing where you easily look at it and throw up and think ''my god its hideous!'' fred banks also sits around in his room mastuerbating to homosexuailty in a sort of Anime style also know the be called as ''Hentai'' Fred banks also snorts cocaine on the toilet as he is too poor to afford a table

Dude i am so fred right now its not even funny

OH my god if i ever become fred i will slit my wrist and suck the bllod out of me to easily die!

by Gfairy6565 October 5, 2008

39๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž