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Child who comes home from college, uses the washer, eats everything, criticizes when you don't cook him something, sleeps in, stays up, wants to shop with you so that you will pay, monopolizes the internet/computer, spreads their junk out, and makes it hard on his parent just to get him to clean up after himself. Wants to live without arguments but can't figure out how. Will also be bewildered and hurt if you let him know life is more peaceful without his presence.

19 year olds, on the way to growing up hopefully.

by Mom of Freeloader October 24, 2004

305๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who takes advantage of obtaining anything that's free,

Elyjah and Sammy are freeloaders; they always take my candy!

by M. Warns September 13, 2006

189๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who leeches off others while contributing virtually nothing in return. Usually they are unemployed and/or extremely lazy. They are generally easy to identify from the general public due to their constant requests to borrow other people's money, get rides, or even coming to restaurants with a group, then ordering food and never paying for themselves, etc

Freeloader friend - "Hey man can I borrow some money, I'll pay you back Tuesday I swear"

*Tuesday comes* "Hey something came up but I'll definitely get you the money next week"

by Bob1248 May 24, 2008

60๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


A freeloader is a person who manages to get food, drink, and other things without having to pay for them

Look - there's the freeloader

by sellah sue April 8, 2012

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who taps all your drinks, fags and eats you out of house and home , never pays you back, then when uve ran out leaves to freeload off some one else.

look at that mark g, hes been here all night, turned up empty handed and drank the fridge dry, hes a right bloody freeloader.

by legend13 April 21, 2010

27๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A worthless, lazy, opportunist bumb who takes advantage of people and thinks they should get everything on a silver platter without earning it. If he has a girlfriend, he probably sits at home all day without a job and mooches money and things off her with the excuse, โ€œIโ€™ll pay you back later, baby, when things improve.โ€ She keeps giving him more money because she is nieve, has low self-esteem and too spineless to stand up to him and kick him out. On the other hand, if the freeloader is a female she is probably a spoiled, stuck-up b***h who lives at home and gets money from mommy and daddy while sitting on the can all day eating Bon Bons and watching soaps.

Being a freeloader is learned behavior because people keep giving them things without saying no.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com March 19, 2008

335๐Ÿ‘ 160๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who thinks she's entitled to be taken care of by an oblivious idiot.Someone who keeps saying they will move out and use her "pathetic family situation" to reek havoc on someone's generous character. Someone who is an opportunistic schmuck.

A girl roommate who overstays for six months because she has to get back on her feet, even though she is a bartender. She masked the freeloading by making it seem she bought useless groceries,had the dogs groomed and paid for cable. Someone who thinks she is the woman of the house, but isn't. She is a pig freeloader from Florida (P. Casey) who brought a lot of unnecessary drama. Anyone else who wants to partake in this ritual contact BDR in Holly Hills.

by NYLA Princess January 14, 2008

36๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž