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Stage Fright

The time-freezing effect which occurs when you speak to someone through a bathroom door.

Telling them to hurry up will only prolong the experience.

You: Hurry up, we have to go already!
They: Stage Fright.
You: Damned Freelance Bladder, we're only going around the corner.

by little-miss can't do wrong August 17, 2011

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Fridge fright

The incapability of opening the fridge, caused by the sheer panic that all the guests invited at your party are now in the kitchen, and they most probably will eat all your food

- Andrew, do you have anything to eat sweetheart?
- How many times did I tell you not to use the word β€œfood” anymore?
- But, honey, I haven’t. I was just asking…
- Than shut the fuck up, I’m having a fridge fright

by Androix October 8, 2009

Fright Stripe

A fright stripe is where a person would develop a grey or white stripe in their hair, either in their fringe or from the front of their head to the back.

After Richard had visited the haunted house and had the bejesus scared out of him he developed a grey / white fright stripe in his hair

by Party Borrill July 29, 2021

twitter fright

The fear that your tweet isn't worthy of sending

I was about to tweet about what I had for breakfast but I ended up getting twitter fright

by nocando August 2, 2012

Fright Fest

An event held at Six Flags theme parks around the US. The most recognizable fright fest location is six flags magic mountain, in California. The haunted houses there are okay, they are good, but not great. Some names are Willoughby's Ressurected, Garden of Darkness, Aftermath, Vault 666, and Toyz of Terror 3D.

Person A: Hey, what'd you think of Willoughby's Ressurected at Fright Fest?
Person B: I thought it was really good! 10/10 would get back in line and do it again.

by glitchkid December 12, 2015

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white fright

Unease from white people when topics of race are brought up. A general cringing or shutting down towards openly talking about white privilege, or racism as manifested in subtleties of everyday life. Not being able to confront the millions of corpses below them. The fact white fright was not already defined in Urban Dictionary.

"All lives matter!"

"That's some white fright bullshit."

by sensayshun February 3, 2017

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Poop Fright

Fear of pooping while being watched

That bitch has such bad poop fright, he'd never shit in jail.

by nizzlshizzle January 7, 2009

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