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Catholic priest who rapes children. Play on the Australian term of "Rock-spider" eg a child rapist or pedophile

He's been released from jail, but everyone in the church knows he is a Frock-spider

by MsPlasma July 19, 2020

Frock! Band

The best band in the entire world.
The exclamation mark is imperative.

Person 1: "Did you see Frock! Band last night?"
Person 2: "Yeaaaaah, they were sick!!"

by carrotfly/hufflepump July 9, 2009

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frock toffee


Spillage onto the garment of a young woman, often fluid of a seminal nature (see โ€œharry monkโ€) resulting in matting of fibre.

E.g. after the harry cannon when off she complained most vocally that her new dress had been โ€œfrocktoffeedโ€ thus not suitable to attend the funeral.

E.g. after the harry cannon went off she complained most vocally that her new dress had been โ€œfrocktoffeedโ€ thus not suitable to attend the funeral.
"Frock toffee"

by Harrison Lee May 17, 2007

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Frock Jock

A jock or athletic type, or a man who is particularly macho or into sports, who has secret homosexual encounters. These are sometimes with other Frock Jocks, but more often the encounters are with a kid who is known to be gay, and is bribed to keep quiet. The term can also used to classify more specifically a jock who likes to "lift back his skirts" or "frock" a.k.a. receive anal sex.

Straight Kid (to friends): "Remember Patrick Geller? The football player back in high school in West Orange who all the girls were in love with? Did you hear he got photographed in drag up in that gay club in the heights?" Other Straight Friends:"Oh No Way!" "For real yo?" "That's mad crazy" Token Gay Friend: "Oh whatever, I always knew Geller was queer. The guy was such a frock jock."
i.e. "Greg" in Cruel Intentions

by DSH May 5, 2008

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frock syndrome

the act of twisting one into a female partner while wearing the dress of a deceased loved one

The only logical explanation that I can percieve is that I porked my loved one in ny Gran's dress, and it was the canine's testicles - Sherlock Holmes

by mad dog February 27, 2004

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cocks in frocks

The clergy (specifically christians)

As the priests showed up carrying the golden crosses, my dad quipped, 'Here come the cocks in frocks'.

by cherrypicker uk November 6, 2008

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frock blocked

when a woman impedes the progress of another woman to successfully court or flirt with a man; or when a woman rejects the proposal from a separate man to date/flirt/dance with his male friend. The female equivalent of a cock blocker or being cock blocked.

"Beth really tried to flirt with Scott last night, but Christina totally frock blocked her."

by spankydoodle21 February 18, 2010

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