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fat fuck

fat fuck (noun)
1. Someone with a body-mass-index of 50 or over.
2. Someone who is wider around than they are tall.

1. When Jimmy gained the last 50 pounds, he crossed the line from morbidly obese to fat fuck.
2. As she chewed Wonka's three-course-meal gum, Violet Beauregarde rapidly swelled to fat fuck proportions.

by xantres42 February 14, 2009

18πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

fat fuck

1) (n.) Very simply, having sex with a fat (overweight) woman.
2) (adj.) A person who is both fat and stupid.

-I had sex with Annie yesterday.
-With Annie? Ewwww! She weighs like, a tonn!
-Yeah, I know, it was a total fat fuck.

Fat Bob: Oops, I dropped my hat...
Mike: Move out of the way, you fat fuck!

by Urban_Fellow July 16, 2006

67πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

fat fuck

Taking one roll of fat on one side, inserting dick and then on the other side of the dick put another roll of fat. Then thrust. Basically a titty fuck with fat.

Me- You guys do anything last night?
You- Not much, but I fat fucked the shit out of her!
Me- What could you not find her vagina?

by Zach aka Convoluted April 22, 2008

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

fat fuck

The act of rapidly thrusting your penis between someone's fat folds, resulting in orgasm.

I gave her a good fat fuck.

by Schismrobo April 13, 2008

15πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Fat Fucking

Any type of activity involving fat bitches and lunchboxes.

See related words: "Fat Eating", "Fat Driving", "Fat Eating"

Stoner 1: Where is Fatboy?
Stoner 2: Probably Fat Fuckin
Stoner 3: Black Ass
Stoner 4: Lunchbox is all about that Fat Fuckin.

by Weed Man April 1, 2004

30πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

Fat fuck


A word that is also used instead of β€œmy dear sister”. Fat Fuck may sound vulgar but in reality, if someone says this to you, they mean all the best. For example: β€œdorthy you FAT FUCK!” Is just another way of showing brotherly love

β€œOye dilpickle you fat fuck, get me some ice cap panjodh.”

by Dr pabosimsim July 10, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Fat Fuck

Fat Fuck; When trying to have intercourse with a larger woman it’s hard to find the hole ? What you do is go 3 flaps forward, find the one that smells like shit and looks like curdled cottage cheese and go one flap back and your there!

β€œFat” Fuck Get it

Tonight I’m gonna try my first Fat Fuck ! Hope Heather is understanding if I don’t get it right! I’ll bring Flowers!

by Amy Jae December 9, 2022

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