The kind of person who says something about somebody like he/she was a tough guy actor (almost like a cowboy) with staying power and a sixty year run one minute, then comments on how courageous it was for the actor to lay low for about a generation until a bunch of kids who did not know who the actor was saw his films, and the actor makes a big comeback. The kind of person who reaches out and grabs any opportunity to gain their own popularity.
The girl liked being around people like this guy that she had met, so she tried to build him up by calling him a resilient tough guy actor, but then said the opposite of him (tried to break him down) when she wanted to be around a different group of people, teasing him about laying low for so many years. Somebody was full of shit.
A girl who regurgitates everything her sibling says her entire life, then claims to be her own role model.
Lindsay was unoriginal, plain, and full of shit, but knew that more money could be made by building up her own image.
Someone too busy using thoughts and ideas they didn't come up with and taking undue credit rather than giving any to anybody, the way they've always been. Someone who didn't get enough ass whoopings from an authority figure as a kid to know how to make anybody's life he'll, or tormented.
Lindsay had always been full of shit.
That's why no one care when you say it. The things you say don't carry as much weight when YOU say them because...
Hym "You're full of shit, Emma. Literally everything is racism to you so when cry racism it doesn't carry any weight. You radically over-represent the degree to which things are things, on LITERALLY every topic. So, yeah, people can see that. People can see you being full of shit... And it makes you untrustworthy. So, I have to lend credence to the shit you say... Because I am BETTER AND SMARTER THAN YOU AND THE RETARDS YOU FUCK. You're dumb. I'm brilliant. And settler colonialism is just RACISM Emma! EVERYTHING IS RACISM TO YOU! No! THE JEWS SAY IT THE CULTURE! THEIR CULTURE IS THE RELIGION! SO IT'S NOT THE THING YOU SAID... IT'S THE THING I SAID!"
Under the influence. Be it alcohol, heroine, whatever substance comes to mine. Someone who is noticeably and obnoxiously high / drunk. Originated from southern slang, when elderly would talk about being "full of liquor" or flat out drunk.
Person 1: Hey, what'r ya doin in my house?!
Person 2: Dudes, we're outside. You must be full of that shit?
When you have a very fast, clean poo more than once in a day.
I just had another or a full-fibre-shit. It was clean bro