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marijuana, cannabis, reefer

from Louis Armstrong's autobiography:

Speaking of 1931 - we did call ourselves Vipers, which could have been anybody from all walks of life that smoked and respected gage. That was our cute little name for marijuana, and it was a misdemeanor in those days. Much different from the pressure and charges the law lays on a guy who smokes pot - a later name for the same thing which is cute to hear nowadays. We always looked at pot as a sort of medicine, a cheap drunk and with much better thoughts than one that's full of liquor. But with the penalties that came, I for one had to put it down though the respect for it (gage) will stay with me forever. I have every reason to say these words and am proud to say them. From experience.

by funkspiel December 8, 2006

546πŸ‘ 366πŸ‘Ž


A athletic boy that gets whatever he wants. Usually hangs out with a popular crowd and dates multiple girls. At least that’s what people see. In reality he is a scared little boy fighting his own mind. He is very kind gentle and loving. He has one big problem though. One of his closest friends is in love with him but he can’t see it. She watches him date all her friends one at a time. Age suffers through ever relationship but doesn’t say anything so he doesn’t feel bad. Gage can be a bitch. He is very tall and outgoing. Gage also has a fantastic glow up. Gage is hot and perfect. Be kind to a Gage.

I love you Gage. I hope you see this.

by Lights of a cold city March 15, 2018

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The name gage is a horendous as fuck The name Gage is a stupid name for a boy and will grow up and become a bomber terrorist or cause the next 9/11 and going to schools and shooting it up and often likes to rape little girls in alleyways and is a pussy and carries knives and guns with him and gets 24 year old women pregnant and has a cousin that dies and everyone in his school dosen't like him not even his bff and is very fucking ugly and deformed and got a neck longer than his dick and is gulible and stupid and uglier than a fucking blobfish and is desperate and dated an 11 year old girl and has ) hoes and just gets desperate or ugly hoes thst belong on the streets and is a pick me boy and dates a pick me girl everytime he get a gf and lies to you about doing drugs.

gage mad ugly

by Gage Hater November 17, 2022

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Gage The Kid I So Hot And Has A Huge dick and he loves women and he is so muscular

Bob-"Damn I wish I was Gage"

by Thot_Destoyer_LIck May 29, 2018

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Gage is one of those people who is always fun to be around. He's hard on himself but really he's wonderful in many ways. His puns and jokes can make you laugh even if they're bad ones. If he's busy he'll still do his best to spend time with his friends. Gage is a cool, smart, talented, sweet, hilarious and awesome dude who you can always trust. He can make your bad day instantly better by just being there and chatting with you. Sadly, he doesn't realize how special he truly is. Despite this, he's still lovable and amazing. This might not apply to every Gage out there but if you know one who's like this, treasure them because they are one of the greatest friends you could ever have. (I'm sick and tired of seeing so many bad/sexual/insulting definitions for "Gage" so I decided to fix that by creating one based off of a Gage I actually know. )

Hey, what do you call an Undertale nerd fighting somebody? EnGAGEd in combat. :DDD

by mystical bean September 5, 2018

18πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Gage is the most amazing person. He's honest, caring, trustworthy, handsome, and super smart. At times he's a little hard on himself but he should know the world believes in him so he needs to. Anyone that's lucky enough to have gave in their life should never let him go there's something special about this guy. He's a keeper

Do you know where Gage is? Oh right here. Thank you

by Miss understood. Ladi November 22, 2019

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Gages are so sexy if you are in a relationship with them never let then go because their dick is so HUGE I have dated two gages and both of them had 8 inch dicks or bigger they will make u orgasm so fucking hard

Gage have #8inch dicks

by Ur mom get May 3, 2019

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