something that makes high school students like me get pissed off.
Question: what angles are congruent to <3?
Question:Name all the sumplementary angles in the problem
I hate geometry!!!!!
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A useless subject designed to prepare you for an even more useless subject, trigonometry.
Clara: I love geometry!
Robin: β¦what.
A form of mathematics that has few real life applications apart from architecture, contruction, physics, astronomy, and other mathmatical sciences.
WHy do we have to take geometry Mrs. Brunk?
It helps you learn how to think.
Why is this a math class?
Because geometry is math.
Why to we have to take geometry Mrs. Brunk?
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a course you are required to take in high school, usually after Algebra. Extremely boring, not to mention difficult for most people. You will never have to use the things you learned about in class in your future career. In other words, GEOMETRY IS A ROYAL WASTE OF TIME.
The skills you learn about and practice in Geometry class will only be useful to you if you decide to become a Geometry teacher. If that sounds pointless and stupid to you, well, welcome to high school!
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1.) The most horrible class ever devised
2.) A chance to fire up your ipod during school and jam for an hour
3.) Can you say text messaging!
4.) When Geo- meaning really hard and Metry- meaning there is no way you can pass the class, come together and ruin your GPA
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1. n. An exotic form of torture
2. v. To impose geometric reasoning upon one's student or advisary.
1. n. I had to go to geometry at 8:00 in the morning. I think I'll kill myself now.
2. v. My geometry teacher geometried me. It hurt.
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the most awful class you will ever take. it's so pointless, there is no use for it in the real world. it is basically torture and it's guarenteed to bring down your beloved GPA. even if you were great in algebra, it's still very easy to fail this miserable class.
I'm failing geometry!
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