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Bearded Giver

When a guy is deepthroating another guy who has a crazy bush around his nuts and it makes it look like the guy giving the BJ has a beard.

You know my cousin Ryan G? Yeah, well yesterday when I went to his house and we were playing XBOX 360, he wanted to tell me something personal. He told me that he was a "Bearded Giver," and I immediately threw down the controller and left.

by Moose Dick Ham Slap April 23, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

indian giver

A person who gives someone something, then wants it back!

Knoller loves to be an indian giver.

by John January 24, 2005

596๐Ÿ‘ 266๐Ÿ‘Ž

Leno Giver

When someone retires from a legendary television franchise, passes the torch to a worthy successor. Then he gets bored and starts a new show which sucks and then asks for their old job back by firing the successor.

He's a leno giver

by tas46064 January 14, 2010

16518๐Ÿ‘ 10397๐Ÿ‘Ž

giver the onion

1. To vigoursly give sexual satisfaction to the female through intercourse to the point that you may make her cry. Past tense (gaver the onion)

2. The want of sexual relations

3. The need to expediate a situation

1. I was doing Lola last night and I was so intense when I gaver the onion she cried.

2. Wow Nick did you see that chick? I would love to giver the onion tonight dude.

3. Hey Nick!! giver the onion.

by mram October 18, 2007

32๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Birth Giver

A pejorative directed at a parent or parents that one has an estranged relationship with. It was popularized by the South Park episode "The Wacky Molestation Adventure".

My birth giver called to bitch at me last night, I just hung up on her.

by Hade E Alder May 14, 2014

43๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Biscuit Giver

Someone who gives really shitty presents for birthdays and Christmas, that have no actual use or relation to the individual receiving gifts

"don't invite javannie for secret santa, she's the worst biscuit Giver of them all!!!"

by Givre December 14, 2019

pilgrim giver

To give with hidden expectations and stipulations, like the Pilgrims did years ago to the Native Americans.

"Do you remember when Thomas lent me his headphones? It turns out he fully expected me set him up with my sister! That guy's a total pilgrim giver."

by nocommayes May 14, 2018