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Riding the merry-go-round

Riding the merry-go-round* is when a woman seeks to secure a handsome, perhaps wealthy, emotionally unavailable man ("Chad"*) in an attempt to improve social standing (hypergamy), gets dumped, and then she tries again, repeating the cycle. She never learns, all while ignoring guys she has friend-zoned.

After perpetually riding the merry-go-round, the woman eventually finds herself past the flower of her youth, single, and whining on TikTok videos about how "there aren't any good men".

*terms often used by men's advice YouTubers "33 Secrets" and "Entrepreneurs in Cars".

She would do well to stop Riding the Merry-Go-Round and settle down with someone she has friend-zoned.

by Run.Forrest.Run January 27, 2022

merry-go-round of death

A video about a stunt involving two girls who got messed up in a playground spinning thing, or "roundabout," as the british media calls it. A guy with a motorcycle used the rear wheel to spin the roundabout. Well, it was fun for the girls until the guy on the motorcycle spun the roundabout too fast, and the girls flew out of it.

Guy: WOW that merry-go-round of death video on youtube is f'in a! Stupid girls! ROFLMFAO!
Girl: OMG I hope they're not hurt! Why is this thing on the internet OMG children will copy it and they'll get hurt or maybe die OMG

by The Mr Needles Experience September 25, 2006

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Alabama Merry go round

When a person is fucking their sister in the ass and during intercourse they spin their sister on their dick like a merry go round.

I got drunk performed an Alabama merry go round on my sister last night.

by phatman704 February 21, 2021


A bunch of bitches locking arms in a circular pattern. Each dude then chooses his β€œhorse”, they then proceed to rotate counterclockwise periodically.

Jeremy: Duuuuuuude you totally missed out bro. No joke there was a 20 person Merry-go-round at the party last night.

Timothy: SHIT man I had to work, that SUCKS!!!

by TheSonOfFronk May 6, 2018

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Mexican Merry-Go-Round

The Act of using a leaf blower to propel a spinning office chair in circles like a merry-go-round

"Damn, them fools got a mexican merry-go-round in their backyard"

by The_Irish_Chicano June 25, 2012

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cleveland merry go round

When a man sticks his erect penis in a womans wet vagina and his friend spins him around.

I gave my girlfriend a Cleveland merry go round after we went to the fair.

by hanshewscrotch September 21, 2006

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Virginia Beardy-Go-Round

A homosexual act in a which a male participant with a large, bushy beard ties said beard to multiple partners' penises while performing oral sex on another man. This allows for the bearded participant to pleasure multiple male partners at one time. Made famous by Virginia resident Grom Hightower.

Yea Grom was so frisky last night, we all got together and had a Virginia Beardy-Go-Round. Nearly ripped off Mal's dick.

by haxen February 3, 2008

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