An older Lady used to hype up product for a company.
Man 1: “Did you see the Pump Granny at the Xbox Event?”
Man 2 : “Yeah, there were loads of Pump Grannies! I bet even my Grandma will buy an Xbox now!”
A "pump granny" is an elderly or infirm person (esp. a woman) who attempts to promote zero or low value stocks for a TTCM. They accept this as being extremely low paid work & either realize (if they don't have Alzheimer's etc) that they will probably be meeting their maker before the legal system indicts the company & them OR have Alzheimer's & have no clue what their doing.
Michael: My mother works as a pump granny for TTCM, at least I don't have to pay her
Sonny: That's my mother you're talking about!!
An annual celebration of Archaicisms, primarily serving as an ego defense mechanism for Boomers (and other old people.)
Nominated for 2014 Granny Awards Rock Album of the Year:
Zeppelin, Sabbath, Bowie and Neil Young
-- Four acts that were "too hip to be square"* around 1970.
Kings of Leon and Queens of the Stone Age
-- Named after a passe form of government and a truly ancient Age of Tech.
How desperately we cling to illusions of youth and relevancy. -- Citizen of the Galaxy
* Once upon a time, even Before the Flood, contemporaneous fans of "Old Blue Eyes" and the "Candy Man" embarrassed themselves with such phrases, in a vain attempt to sustain their own relevance. Please, STOP THE MADNESS!
An expression Phil Lester used in the "SPOOKY WEEK BEGINS! Dan and Phil Play:GRANNY" where phil says to not google 'extreme granny'.
"Do not google Extreme Granny" -Phil Lester
an overly sized foreskin relative to the shaft
Look everybody, Alex's penis is protected by a wild grannies chin!
Seeking out mature women for sexual adventures
Are you coming to the tea dance tonight Jim,
Yep I'm up for some granny fannying
When you have no toilet paper and must walk like a granny bent over to retrieve some more toilet paper
I just had to granny walk to the other bathroom