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guilt trip

when someone tries to make you feel guilty for thinking/feeling/doing things a certain way.


when someone tries to make you do whatever they want you to. so they start making you feel bad about something.. so then you'll give in and do whatever they want.

"he convinced me to do what he wanted by guilt tripping me!"

by chantal October 5, 2004

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Survivors Guilt

When you feel guilty for outliving a spouse/friend/family member.

Especially if they died doing something you have done a thousand times before, e.g. driving, falling over.

'Dude, i don't know why I died at my ex-wives funeral'
'She slipped in the tub, it must be survivors guilt'

by Sandeh May 3, 2010

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guilt add

The act of adding someone as a friend on a social networking site because you would feel like an asshole if you denied their request.

My cousin requested to become my friend on myspace, so I had to give her a guilt add.

by Twisted Iniquity January 15, 2009

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self guilt

always putting the guilt on yourself

i'm always so self guilt!

by Jack Nylum November 26, 2018

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guilt shower

(n) When someone is so ashamed of somthing they did (usually the night before) that their guilt feels like physical dirtiness, leading them to take a long, thorough shower. Generally follows a walk of shame or one night stand.

Girl:I had to take 45min guilt shower after hooking up with that guy from the bar ):


Text to friend:Cheated on my gf last night but my water is broken, can I come over for a guilt shower?

by UDallday August 22, 2009

Guilt tax

Guilt tax is the unspoken guilty feeling one has when they are recipients of a generous gift, and mostly likely, have failed to reciprocate at the equal level. The guilt tax is especially high during the holidays when wealthier parents or friends give lavish gifts.

Karen to sister Beth: "Oh my gosh, Mom got me this expensive bracelet for Hannukah and all I got her was a pepper mill."
Beth: "Too bad for you! You're going to be paying the guilt tax for months!"

by Funny Moms December 19, 2014

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Guilt Airlines

The guilt trip feisty parents like to send their children on when the darlings have become too big to spank.

Sorry, dude, I can't rage with you tonight. My room is a mess and my dad just gave me a one-way ticket on Guilt Airlines.

by droogie toogie August 29, 2012