Source Code

H/H Ratio

Stands for Help/Harm Ratio. How many people do you help vs how many you harm.

Iam "It's kind of hard to track my H/H Ratio because of the fact that I'm not being acknowledged. And that's a little frustrating. People do come up to me from time to time and insinuate that they have a favorable opinion of me or my work. They're a little more subtle about it (due to the nature of my fame/infamy). I guess that's another thing you were right about. It's kind of neat."

Hym "Yes, yes. That's all well and good but people are taking our thing and using it for themselves."

Iam "Yeah... I just kind of want to see the effect of what I've done. It's hard to tell."

by Hym Iam May 8, 2022


H OF THE H must be typed in all caps and yelled when pronouncing and it's code word for kinky sex

Man: Hey wife wanna have some H OF THE H?
Woman: Yes, husband, what type of kinky?

by Salem, city in Massachusetts January 23, 2021

h h h

Honda hustling hoe

Kelsey” is a self proclaimed h h h!

by #theCreamyCenter November 20, 2020


The actual Roblox death sound


by ThathandleisalreadyinuseWHAT'S June 1, 2021


Hammock and Handjob, its the act of receiving a handjob when laying in a hammock with another person.

Jesse: "Hey bro, did you really get H&H'd last night?"
Damon: "Yeah bro shit was wild."

by TCPNull September 17, 2020

U h h h

what you say when you don't know what to add to the urban dictionary :)

hey!! (insert question here)
"U h h h "

by sky :) March 16, 2021

U h h h

"U h h h " is used when you don't know what to say :)

hey!! (insert question here)

"U h h h "

by sky :) March 16, 2021