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A truly amazing girl. A once in a lifetime girl. A change your whole meaning of love type of girl. She’s beautiful even though she thinks she’s not. She’s caring and sweet even though she puts on a badass front. Bottom line don’t let a Halle goes shell change your life for the best.

Man did you see Halle she’s beautiful?!?!

by K_leb1313 October 8, 2020

the halls

juvenile hall, where they take us when we havin a lil fuckin fun

they took my girl down to the halls last night

by roseD December 16, 2006

7👍 7👎


A bit of an annoying chick who won't shut-up! she's pretty cool but talks way to much!

Darcy: Has halles topped talking yet?
John: umm is that rhetorical?

by Blackeyedpea78 September 11, 2011

89👍 166👎


she is very sex driven, she likes sex but maybe #v-gang. very awkward topic. brought it up once she said don't understand gangster

Halle doesn't understand gangster


2👍 1👎


scientific prefix for 10^-27, the counterpart of Hella- (which is the prefix for 10^27)

the mass of an individual proton is about 1.67x10^-27g, or 1.67 halle-grams (hallegrams)

by cygnusalpha March 5, 2010

28👍 54👎


Is really pretty, but an absolute goblin. She's burning and itching and has lost her absolute marbles. Speaks gunga ginga.

Person 1: whose screaming GINGAGUNGAGINGGONG?
Person 2: oh, that's halle.
Person 3: watch out! She's gonna snap!

by BigWowie September 9, 2019

3👍 3👎


Acronymim from : Hi All

AndroGhost entered the channeli
<AndroGhost> Hall
<Wizasak> Welcome

by AndroGhost April 12, 2005

32👍 99👎