A person who likes to get acquainted with many people. Have protection. They are there for a short time, not a long time
Jess is a hangi pants
It's another term for your bellybutton, like 'outie' and 'innie'. It means when your umbilical cord never falls off naturally when you are a baby.
"Are you an 'innie', or a 'hangie'?
hangy is the combination of the two words, hungry, and angry. it means someone is hungry and angry (also hangry)
person 1: dude im so hangy right now
person 2: alright wanna grab something to eat?
description used for mudflaps and ball sacks drooping below the tupper three quarters range on a person's legs..
:see mudflaps
Man, my ball sack is all hangy today.. the humidity is defs a contributing factor.
NZ slang for a meth or crack pipe.
Did you see Tony in the weekend. Cunt had been blasting on the Halogen Hangi hard. He was flying.
hey bro, I can see your hangy danglies in those swim trunks!