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at least I have sex

Said by someone who is not very involved in some activity routinely as an answer to "look what can I do in (insert the activity here)! You cannot do something like that!" line.
Most common used when someone is boasting about his computer/gaming skills.

-Hey! Look at this cool program I wrote! Can you do that?
-no, but at least I have sex...

by ...:::HTMLCODER.exe:::... July 13, 2008

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

too stoned to have sex

When you're so high you're too god damn lazy to have sex with someone who is laying right next to you in bed.

Man me and Caleb were so high we both just layed there and we wanted to fuck but we were too high.

by Katie May 8, 2005

41πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

national have sex day

A day you have sex with your partner or crush.

geroge: "its national have sex day wanna have sex sophia?"
sophia: "yes"

by panxkm October 8, 2020

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

have sex with me bitch

The way of trying to force someone into having sex with you. Or in more modern terms, fucking you. If you use this phrase it could scare the person off, or make them more interested. Just don’t try this please-

Scared partner version: Y/N: Babe, HAVE SEX WITH ME BITCH. Partner: AHHH NOOOO NOT NOWW
The Interested Parter Version: Y/N: Babe, HAVE SEX WITH ME BITCH. Partner: Okay, when? Now? Later? Whenever you want~.

by thatonepansexualgamer July 6, 2022

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

black man having sex


look at that black man having sex , it looks like he's raping that woman.

by black people suck June 2, 2010

89πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž

have sex with a furry day

have sex with a furry day is on january 8th where you must have sex with a furry or you will be brutally murdered in front of 57,000 people


by the cum teller December 17, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

have sex incel

A mocking term used by incels to make fun of people who use the phrase "have sex" as an insult to them.

"'uhmm, why don't you just have sex incel?' That's what YOU sound like!"

by CirclejerkMaster69 March 4, 2022

7πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž