When you put your headphone cord across your forehead and over each ear, creating a headband.
When you're listening to music and you realize how cool it would be if you put the cord to your headphones across your forehead and make a Headphone Headband.
Modifier name of constellation son wukong from omniscient reader's viewpoint. One of the most powerful being in the universe
Constellation prisoner of the golden headband is looking at you
Placing one’s limp penis across the forehead of a passed out drinking buddy or will parter/participant.
Remember when Dave drank too many Captain and Cokes and Andre gave him a Belgian headband; Dave is a bitch.
Basically when you're saying that it's fucking scorching hot outside
"Boy I tell you it's hotter than a Dick's headband outside"
When your eating an Asian girls ass from behind and she wraps her legs around your head and you wear her like a kamikaze headband
I was eating her ass from behind and I wore her like a Asian headband
The defenition of sex. An erotic, sacred item to be worn as a head dress. Causes su-obsessed males and females to orgasm on sight. Can be worn with anything, or without anything. Only one god-like male has been able to do it justice. Can also be used to replace sexual lingo and as sexual innuedo.
"Last night was crazy...I got kamikaze headband'd all over my face."